Eeek reading your diary I think there is no way I could do this diet but your losses are fabulous! Well done for keeping at it even when you have had struggles xx
Official weight loss this week was 2lbs (but 4lbs at home) which brings my official weight loss to date to 1 and a half stone in 5 weeks. Pretty happy with that as it also brings me pretty much to my goal to start my treatment. I hope to lose at least another 2 lbs this week. I have to start moving up the steps now as when I start my treatment properly I can't be on this plan and so I'm on SS+ this week and then Step 2 from next Wednesday. Last night I had Chicken Curry made with the Vanilla Rice pudding pack... yep you read that right! I was doubtful when my Consultant told me about it and even as I was making it but my goodness! It was absolutely delicious! I would have it every night if I could (in fact I am going to have it tonight!!) Hope you are all well xx
Well done on your loss hun chicken curry with rice pud eh interesting!x
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Hi everyone.. how are you all? I'm on my Day 1Have had 1.5 litres of water, 5 stops to the loo and looking forward to lunch. At work so not sure how I will have the soup :s so might opt for shake instead
Yeah you should try it - I have had it about 3 times since last Wednesday. I had it with quorn yesterday as my husband put my chicken in the freezer without telling me :sigh: ... I'm used to eating quorn so it was OK but not as tasty as chicken Feeling very down today. Just going to have to get through it. How is everyone else? xx
Yeah you should try it - I have had it about 3 times since last Wednesday. I had it with quorn yesterday as my husband put my chicken in the freezer without telling me :sigh: ... I'm used to eating quorn so it was OK but not as tasty as chicken
Feeling very down today. Just going to have to get through it.
How is everyone else?
How comes you'll be stopping? How have your losses been?Hi Kantastik
Good luck! Have you done this before?
I will be stopping Cambridge soon and although it can be tough to start with it definately gets results
Wow that is young! Thanks for your replies - Don't know what was wrong with me yesterday but I'm feeling a bit better today. Kanta - I'm starting treatment soon which means that I can't be on this plan so I have been on SS but am now stepping up. I've only got a couple of weeks left. I lost 1 and a half stone in 5 weeks which I am happy with, and hoping I can lose another half a stone by the time I'm off plan. I will be following SW after so that I can continue to lose weight Weigh in tomorrow x
You've done so well in just 5 weeks! Don't be a stranger when u switch! Like to know how u get onx
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Thanks! ha ha no I won't - I will be checking in to see how you guys are getting on
Only 1 off this week - slightly disappointed but home scales say 2 off which I prefer! x
Only 1 off this week - slightly disappointed but home scales say 2 off which I prefer! x
I know it's disappointing when we want or are expecting more but it is still a loss x
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Well, delighted this morning as I was the next stone under on the scales this morning despite my bad weekend! So nice to see some different numbers for a change! 3 lbs to go for my first mini goal of 2 stone lost! x