Silver Member
Kelfie - I've done both Go Lower and DC.
Go Lower food is exclusive to Go Lower, with the exception of the snack bars which you can get from Tesco and online at Avidlite. It doesn't have any potatoes and such like in it and the veg has to be low carb so no carrots, etc. If followed correctly, it does put you in ketosis in the first 7 days if not earlier. It's not mega-low on carbs, i.e. probably around 30-40 carbs a day. It's a hunter gatherer, natural food based diet.
DC - none of the food on DC is exclusive - it's sourced from various places and the dinners and soups can be found in your local supermarket. It works on calories and portion control and also pushes a more natural diet, i.e. no processed rubbish.
I think both are just as valid - I am going to switch to Go Lower once I finish this DC pack as I really fancy a change and I miss certain Go Lower foods. Disadvantage is that Go Lower does a scheme you sign up to whereas DC you can order as much or as little as you like when you like.
Hope everyone is having a good time on DC today And remember, it's nearly Friday - woohoo!
I done go lower about 11 months back and even though i ordered 3 weeks of goods and stuck like glue to the instructions, nothing happened except I felt hungry (everyone is different I suppose)
I enjoy the fact that you can add the veg you want (lurve carrots) and extras as long as you are careful. But Go Lower never give up I am forever having calls on my mobile and at home and mail sent through asking me to reorder they have this special deal going at the mo etc.
So I am not a fan of Go Lower but good luck to anyone who tries and if it works for you , it just didn't for me.
Sorry if I went on a bit