Sheryl think u have to do it on main site online , I seemed to be redirected when reading other threads and followed link , confusing but u will find it !
Had our weighing today and only 3 lb off really disappointed ;( So now just feel really deflated ,but my daughter Chanelle is on her 3 rd week with another 6 lb off , goin out for lunch and dinner tomorow so gonna really struggle Saturday to get back on track but we seriously need that no cheat week starting Monday , emmalina I'm sooo hungry too ;( I made birthday cake and cupcakes today for daughters birthday tomorow and it was soo hard , red velvet with cream cheese frosting then kitkats round the edge , I'll stop there ! I also went shopping and bought a pack of bounty a on offer that I've left in the fridge for when I can !!
Really really need to get on track , think I might go bed too xx