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I cant say i even noticed lol...
U can keep ur custard slice tho
i just had pancakes. Yum!!
U can keep ur custard slice tho
I cant say i even noticed lol...
U can keep ur custard slice thoi just had pancakes. Yum!!
Right now i would say sod it and eat something really unhealthy and fattening, but unless i make a cake or something there is nothing here to eat like that. Mind, i have just said balls to it and eaten a bowl of stew with dumplings. In for a penny in for a pound. Can't be wasting food and if it is making me fat then best get it over and done with before Friday gets here.
i had 2 with jam, cost me 11 syns mind but was worth it. I didnt buy em i made em dead simple.
Totally agree with not wastin food but then i dont think stew is a bad meal especially if filled wit veg. although i am interested to know ur recipe for dumplings. I used to make my own but always done it by eye so cant work out the syns.
This is the recipe i use! Although ive always done it by eye, never followed measurements. I much prefer without suet, I always bake mine first before allowin to soak in the stew too, gives them tha bready texture in the middle. Haha thanks daz! Il be makin these again now i can actually measure the syns![]()
theres definatley not 4lb worth of gain in that tho. Im on ur side with that one
not being funny Daz but could it be the battery in the scales???
You do not know how much i hope that you are right. i have wanted to use the wii all day for a "second opinion" but i have been happier just thinking something must be wrong rather than having it confirmed as correct. lol. (and a few days back, maybe 4 or 5, the display did say "lo" when i moved it to get ready to stand on).
Do you have a spare one?
I so hope that you are right, it has been playing me up all day as to why. I know it should't but it has. You know how mortified i have been because i cannot break this hurdle down, and this last week i thought i had finally cracked it. i really could have cried this morning. Of course, i didnt, im far to 'ard for that.![]()
Im never a happy bunny anyway, and don't try to tell me you haven't noticed.![]()
Well 4lb in a week is an amazing loss! Specially when you don't have loads to lose now, I reckon that also makes it harder.....
I have the same thing going on at the moment, I have seen a lower weight on the scales before today and been 100% since my holiday but sods law says I will be a maintain on weigh in day! I just like to think that the smaller me is in there she is just a bit shy about coming out right now, maybe when it warms up a bit!
Hope you feel better about things today Daz x