Hippety Hop!
Sorry if this is putting a dampener on the subject of eating places but if you could see what does actually happen behind the scenes despite the Health & Hygiene rules you'd def have a fit!..and that goes for the majority of places. Unfortunately it's all a matter of not being able to watch the workers 100% of the time 'cos face fiddling, hair scratching and the like all goes on and it can spread germs quicker than anything.
I was always taught that when you enter the kitchen..as with hospital surgery.. your hands don't belong to you.
I have seen people don hygiene gloves and then proceed to pick their nose!!..
.. nuff said!
However..I do eat out and often go to Morrisons who do some nice meals...just close my mind off to the doings in the kitchens..
I was always taught that when you enter the kitchen..as with hospital surgery.. your hands don't belong to you.
I have seen people don hygiene gloves and then proceed to pick their nose!!..
However..I do eat out and often go to Morrisons who do some nice meals...just close my mind off to the doings in the kitchens..