de-cluttering the home, as well as body & mind

Karen I think it has got to be worth a try !!

We started or major recamp of upstairs this weekend. Moving furniture from one room to anothe,got rid of some. Now have piles of boxes and bags to be sorted thru etc. Place looks better in some ways and alot worse in others,but you cant make an omlette without breaking eggs and it will be worth it in the long run.

Downstairs got completely neglected so having a generall tidy uo and clean around today.

Home all day again for a change as DD1 still off school iwth Shingles poor thing !!
Comments on this please.

My dishwasher broke, I refused to get another one as my family (all adult males) were too lazy to open it to put dirty dishes and cups in, they just left them all in sink and on kitchen work surfaces. Till they ran out.
So I said you can start washing up.

Everyone now leaves washing up and I've had enough. They never dry up and put away even if I nag them to wash up. But all of them say it's not my washing up. So I've decided to buy everyone a plate bowl and cup of their own. Will get different colours. That way they will have to wash their own up? Won't they?
Or am I being childish?
Every morning I'm left with loads and even when I've worked at weekend I come home and have to do it, as everyone says it's not mine.

What do you lot think? Is it silly?

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Silly????? Noooooooo!!!! I LOVE it!!!! Fair play to you is what I say!!!!!! ;)
Oh look at me... I am using my exercise bike!


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    Doug's shirts 001.jpg
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MinnieMel said:
Oh look at me... I am using my exercise bike!

Haha, I love this !

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Finished up Dh's shirts -- demolished the mountain of ironing -- last night. Whoop! And, used the steam press (recent purchase from ebay) to press the trousers and test press some shirts (used DS's as he is not picky). Okay for trousers, tricky for shirts.

Now, to try and meet my New Years' resolution of keeping up with it -- and not allowing another mountain to form. *sigh*

Off to do a few catch-up chores, then out for errands, aquafit and, perhaps, even a steam. ;)


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    Bike 2 001.jpg
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Bump! :)

This pic shows that you CAN declutter!!

.......and, oh the feeling of relief when all that went to the charity shop!!! :D
Well done you! I've been decluttering, but need to do so much more! I don't know how I have managed to get so much junk !

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OH made a start on sorting out the loft-2 fully laiden runs to the tip so far and a huge pile of stuff for the charity shop here too. Trouble is we have been concentrating on that so much that the rest of the house has been negleted and looks like it has been ransacked !! LOL

I am starting on the garage tomorrow!

Ye ha!

I am starting on the garage tomorrow!

Ye ha!

Good luck!

I tackled mine a few weeks ago. I thought as it was absolutely the most cluttered place it would be a good place to start.

I was right, as once that mammoth task was done seeing it look so neat and tidy spurred me on to tackle the rest of the house :)

......hence the 10 sacks of clothes to the charity shop :D

Have fun!
well i like the idea of this thread so i m gonna de clutter the house and get my arse in gear :)

i am going to make a plan of action on here and print it ut and tick off each task as i have done it

thanks for the virtual kick up the arse x
well i like the idea of this thread so i m gonna de clutter the house and get my arse in gear :)

i am going to make a plan of action on here and print it ut and tick off each task as i have done it

thanks for the virtual kick up the arse x

Go for it - very cathartic!! :D
Massive wardrobe clearout and ebay session today. I was hanging onto loads of old clothes I didn't even like in case I didn't lose any weight but now I've lost two stone from my all time heaviest I decided they had to go. I've also got a massive bin liner of stuff to go to the charity shop in the morning. I seem to be taking control of a lot more than my diet, had a huge clean today and the house has never looked so good!
Makes you feel so much better, under my bed, then my wardrobe is next on my list.
And paperwork how have I got so much?!
Those three things are on my to do list this week.

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Mommy I know where you are coming from! Terrible but it's like I can only focus on one thing at a time!

Laundry is my nemesis, I just got a new washing machine and now the drying and putting away is my problem! Going to do that now!
Well I blitzed the kitchen today, plus the BHF came and collected loads of stuff that we had sorted out but was just sitting around here. Feels so good to hvae started- I may just be able to do this !!LOL
Hi Nat and Mommy B-

I have made a real dent in the years of paperwork (boxed, on files, in boxes or piled, etc). My DH took several bags of shredded paper to the tip and I some in my car ready to go. There is still more to be done, but I am getting it done. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel / then (as the FlyLady recommends one day a month my DH and I will file, shred of do whatever to clear pepper work clutter. Plus we are finally moving towards getting all our bills electronically.

Once the paperwork is done - I will move on to the arts and crafts clutter and projects not completed. Then it'll be photographs (scrapbook bits and pieces, etc).

The process has been slowed down by my breaking my left wrist, but I am managing.

And unfortunately I did not stay on top of the ironing once I did the marathon catch up, so I am needing to do that again.