Also, we sort DD's school bag as soon as we can after she walks in the door - often she has her snack and we discuss her day. If there is homework, a teacher note, etc we "plan" to get it accomplished. We note it on the calendar.
Her lunch box and water bottle are emptied and washed - and if she has an activity the water bottle is refilled (if not, then it is filled in the morning). Next, she walks the dog for about 15 to 30 minutes.
I or DD make her lunch when dinner is being prepared. And it is left in the refrigerator until breakfast. (She has only forgotten her lunch one time and when the school called - I asked them to remind her that she had "emergency money" in a small purse in her book bag. She used that to buy lunch. The school was impressed that I planned for such a contingency.)
She has NEVER forgotten her homework because we have a folder in her backpack where it is placed once it is completed. If it is a large project - then it is placed in a transport container and a note stating when she needs to take it in is taped on it.
Her PE Kit is used twice and brought home. There is a second kit washed and ready to go. So I have a week to wash and repack the other kit. Her shoes and shin guards stay in her locker in a shoe bag. They only come home if they get muddy. Then she takes her home trainers to school whilst those are washed and allowed to dry.
She has separate bags for all her activities which are unpacked and repacked by DD. She has become very organized. She has an activity EVERY DAY after school and Saturday mornings!
She also practices the piano for 15 to 30 minutes every day. Usually, between dog walking and her activity.
DD's schedule:
Mondays: Private Swim Lesson
(Sometimes I take her, sometimes my DH or even DS... He's 21).
Tuesdays: Swim Team Training (she goes with a friend who is our neighbor - they go Tuesdays and Fridays - so Tuesday the friend's mum takes them and stays. We do Fridays.)
Wednesdays: Piano (usually I take her or my son - sometimes I walk the dog or use my phone or read while she has her lesson).
Thursdays: Recreational Gymnastics with neighbor friend. I drop off and go home a make dinner, and the other mum picks up.
Saturday: Ice skating lessons. I usually take her because I would stay and skate with her afterwards. However I broke my wrist ice skating on Friday the 13th (she did a half-term crash course) and so DH took her for a few weeks. I am taking her now. Not skating again, yet.

. But the cast is off!
Sundays: Used to be family at church, but the US Lutheran minister left and we found his replacement unbearable. And now trying to get them to go is like pulling teeth. So it is usually a family day of some sort.