Zest for Life said:
Well done

were you a clutterer before? What changes you made then to keep un cluttered?
I was terrible, my neighbour admitted to me last night that her boyfriend came to ours once and then went home to her and said "I thought they'd been broken in to but Helen wasn't crying so I knew they hadn't been!"
Honestly it was so bad but I couldn't relax as all I could think about was having to tidy up, all my days off were spent doing it, one day I just thought that I couldn't do it any longer and googled cleaners, well for some reason the FLY lady website came up, I read it and ordered her book, now I don't do everything she says.. Yet!
But what I did do was use the 15 minute rule, I used to "think" I spent the whole day tidying but in reality I'd be walking from one room to the next and then stop to look at my phone etc, now by timing myself I concentrate on that one task for 15 minutes and it makes the world of difference.
I literally did one room at a time, we're lucky we have a small house, 2 bedrooms but we only use one for sleeping, the other one was the junk room it's now our dressing room/clothes drying room! As I cleared the rooms I was putting all the stuff in the little room, so at one point the whole house was clear accept this one room, it took me months and months, maybe even as long as a year, I just did it slowly, each room at a time until I was left with just this one "pit".
Eventually I got around to clearing that room by throwing stuff and donating stuff that I was seriously never going to use even though I kept thinking I would, I cleared the cupboards and drawers so I had room to put stuff and now that's clear too! I do now need to sort some drawers again as they've started to get cluttered again but at least its not on the floor.
It was supposed to just be our dressing room once it was clear but I hated having the washing drying downstairs as it made it look messy and after all my hardwork I didn't want that so that's now in the little room and it still looks fine.
Best of luck decluttering, trust me it's worth it, I just wish I'd taken before and after photos x