de-cluttering the home, as well as body & mind

I not been on here for a while, tbh I've lost the plot!!! My house is getting junked up and now it's peeing me off, done the shiny sink thing and dressed to shoes for about a week! But then went to pot again. So going to check flylady site again. Then decide where to start today x
Hmmm, could choose any room tbh not one singel room or cupboard that doesn't need sorting! This is very bad!

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Zest for Life said:
I not been on here for a while, tbh I've lost the plot!!! My house is getting junked up and now it's peeing me off, done the shiny sink thing and dressed to shoes for about a week! But then went to pot again. So going to check flylady site again. Then decide where to start today x
Hmmm, could choose any room tbh not one singel room or cupboard that doesn't need sorting! This is very bad!

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Just jump in... Use your timer and do 15 minutes a room. Then go give the sink and quick shine and swish and wipe the loos. Baby steps.
MinnieMel said:
Just jump in... Use your timer and do 15 minutes a room. Then go give the sink and quick shine and swish and wipe the loos. Baby steps.

Cheers, well I done my sink lol
Will de clutter tomorrow caught up with laundry today x like the post about 27 item boogie x
Zest for Life said:
Cheers, well I done my sink lol
Will de clutter tomorrow caught up with laundry today x like the post about 27 item boogie x

I cleaned my sink and three kitchen drawers. I have a friend that cleans a drawer a day - I try to do that. In a bedroom, kitchen, wherever...

I've done some laundry, planned food shopping, did a wee declutter of a hot zone... Just jumping in.
Up dressed and ready to go with.craft room clearout. Luckily slim n save order came yesterday so have a box to put donating stuff in. Just have to drop more donation books at the library first. After craft room I'm going to deep clean the bath then put my feet up and finish a craft project til OH gets home from work. Hoping that all the decluttering will make it easier to take on new challenges!
skint_chick said:
Up dressed and ready to go with.craft room clearout. Luckily slim n save order came yesterday so have a box to put donating stuff in. Just have to drop more donation books at the library first. After craft room I'm going to deep clean the bath then put my feet up and finish a craft project til OH gets home from work. Hoping that all the decluttering will make it easier to take on new challenges!

Well done!!! I'm going to pick a day soon and "just do it".
Hi everyone, I'm amazed to say my house has now remained uncluttered for months and I'm loving it, we have people coming around this afternoon/evening and I'm not stressing about it, by no means am I FLYing but I'm getting there! X
HPSaucy said:
Hi everyone, I'm amazed to say my house has now remained uncluttered for months and I'm loving it, we have people coming around this afternoon/evening and I'm not stressing about it, by no means am I FLYing but I'm getting there! X

Well done :) were you a clutterer before? What changes you made then to keep un cluttered?
Zest for Life said:
Well done :) were you a clutterer before? What changes you made then to keep un cluttered?

I was terrible, my neighbour admitted to me last night that her boyfriend came to ours once and then went home to her and said "I thought they'd been broken in to but Helen wasn't crying so I knew they hadn't been!"

Honestly it was so bad but I couldn't relax as all I could think about was having to tidy up, all my days off were spent doing it, one day I just thought that I couldn't do it any longer and googled cleaners, well for some reason the FLY lady website came up, I read it and ordered her book, now I don't do everything she says.. Yet!
But what I did do was use the 15 minute rule, I used to "think" I spent the whole day tidying but in reality I'd be walking from one room to the next and then stop to look at my phone etc, now by timing myself I concentrate on that one task for 15 minutes and it makes the world of difference.

I literally did one room at a time, we're lucky we have a small house, 2 bedrooms but we only use one for sleeping, the other one was the junk room it's now our dressing room/clothes drying room! As I cleared the rooms I was putting all the stuff in the little room, so at one point the whole house was clear accept this one room, it took me months and months, maybe even as long as a year, I just did it slowly, each room at a time until I was left with just this one "pit".

Eventually I got around to clearing that room by throwing stuff and donating stuff that I was seriously never going to use even though I kept thinking I would, I cleared the cupboards and drawers so I had room to put stuff and now that's clear too! I do now need to sort some drawers again as they've started to get cluttered again but at least its not on the floor.

It was supposed to just be our dressing room once it was clear but I hated having the washing drying downstairs as it made it look messy and after all my hardwork I didn't want that so that's now in the little room and it still looks fine.

Best of luck decluttering, trust me it's worth it, I just wish I'd taken before and after photos x
Fabulous explanation, HP Saucy, on how short regular action cumulates over time to surmount the insurmountable.

I've been focussing on my bedroom just recently. It's amazing how it suddenly all came together and moved from cluttered to great. I still have some boxes of things to sort and some things in my cupboard to sort out - but the room feels light and airy. I love that testimonial on the Flylady websites about the nice B&B - and at the end the writer says they were in fact staying at home. So I like bedrooms to be like a lovely B&B - warm and comfy.

I must move on to apply flying to my paperwork. It's built up again. What is good is that it's all in the same place - not in nasty little piles all over the place or stuffed in drawers or plastic bags. That's progress!

Have a good weekend, everyone.
Hi everyone! Was meant to be going for a hair cut and shopping today but OH went to work with my bank card in his wallet so thought I'd put my time to good use! Sorted through all of my drawers and put everything away nice and folded. And put all the clothes in the spare room away in the drawers and hung up! Cleaned the bathrooms and tidied my bedroom and cleaned the kitchen and living room! Now just doing some loads of washing and need to vacuum. Decided I need some storage boxes for my crafty stuff so might get OH to take me to ikea tomorrow :)
HPSaucy said:
I was terrible, my neighbour admitted to me last night that her boyfriend came to ours once and then went home to her and said "I thought they'd been broken in to but Helen wasn't crying so I knew they hadn't been!"

Honestly it was so bad but I couldn't relax as all I could think about was having to tidy up, all my days off were spent doing it, one day I just thought that I couldn't do it any longer and googled cleaners, well for some reason the FLY lady website came up, I read it and ordered her book, now I don't do everything she says.. Yet!
But what I did do was use the 15 minute rule, I used to "think" I spent the whole day tidying but in reality I'd be walking from one room to the next and then stop to look at my phone etc, now by timing myself I concentrate on that one task for 15 minutes and it makes the world of difference.

I literally did one room at a time, we're lucky we have a small house, 2 bedrooms but we only use one for sleeping, the other one was the junk room it's now our dressing room/clothes drying room! As I cleared the rooms I was putting all the stuff in the little room, so at one point the whole house was clear accept this one room, it took me months and months, maybe even as long as a year, I just did it slowly, each room at a time until I was left with just this one "pit".

Eventually I got around to clearing that room by throwing stuff and donating stuff that I was seriously never going to use even though I kept thinking I would, I cleared the cupboards and drawers so I had room to put stuff and now that's clear too! I do now need to sort some drawers again as they've started to get cluttered again but at least its not on the floor.

It was supposed to just be our dressing room once it was clear but I hated having the washing drying downstairs as it made it look messy and after all my hardwork I didn't want that so that's now in the little room and it still looks fine.

Best of luck decluttering, trust me it's worth it, I just wish I'd taken before and after photos x

Fabulous and inspirational post!!!
AliGal said:
Fabulous explanation, HP Saucy, on how short regular action cumulates over time to surmount the insurmountable.

I've been focussing on my bedroom just recently. It's amazing how it suddenly all came together and moved from cluttered to great. I still have some boxes of things to sort and some things in my cupboard to sort out - but the room feels light and airy. I love that testimonial on the Flylady websites about the nice B&B - and at the end the writer says they were in fact staying at home. So I like bedrooms to be like a lovely B&B - warm and comfy.

I must move on to apply flying to my paperwork. It's built up again. What is good is that it's all in the same place - not in nasty little piles all over the place or stuffed in drawers or plastic bags. That's progress!

Have a good weekend, everyone.

Awesome... I need to do as the FlyLady says and have one paperwork day a month planned.
Felix said:
Hi everyone! Was meant to be going for a hair cut and shopping today but OH went to work with my bank card in his wallet so thought I'd put my time to good use! Sorted through all of my drawers and put everything away nice and folded. And put all the clothes in the spare room away in the drawers and hung up! Cleaned the bathrooms and tidied my bedroom and cleaned the kitchen and living room! Now just doing some loads of washing and need to vacuum. Decided I need some storage boxes for my crafty stuff so might get OH to take me to ikea tomorrow :)

Great use of time... My craft room is my super hot spot. I hope to get a lot done the week DD is on her residential trip.
Felix said:
Hi everyone! Was meant to be going for a hair cut and shopping today but OH went to work with my bank card in his wallet so thought I'd put my time to good use! Sorted through all of my drawers and put everything away nice and folded. And put all the clothes in the spare room away in the drawers and hung up! Cleaned the bathrooms and tidied my bedroom and cleaned the kitchen and living room! Now just doing some loads of washing and need to vacuum. Decided I need some storage boxes for my crafty stuff so might get OH to take me to ikea tomorrow :)

Bet that feels good :)
HP, I want to get Whete you are now, must make life so much easier! It's amazing what you've done! Well done :)
Me too.

I've lived in this house for almost a year and when I moved in, I said I was banishing clutter. But it's growing. Like my butt is! Haha it's true. Clutter distresses me but I feel overwhelmed sometimes so it easily gets out of control.

Today my mission is to go and get a light fitting and new duvet cover for my bedroom. I have ordered a canopy for my bed from amazon. Because it's rented we have not done much with it. But I need to make it more homely. It's driving me nuts.

My hot spots are the kitchen which is huge. The bathroom which is tiny. Eldest daughters bedroom which needs quarantining and the playroom which is constantly being messed and tidied.

Oh and the washing. My god. The washing.

Going to do my 15 mins in the kitchen now
bettiesrevenge said:
Me too.

I've lived in this house for almost a year and when I moved in, I said I was banishing clutter. But it's growing. Like my butt is! Haha it's true. Clutter distresses me but I feel overwhelmed sometimes so it easily gets out of control.

Today my mission is to go and get a light fitting and new duvet cover for my bedroom. I have ordered a canopy for my bed from amazon. Because it's rented we have not done much with it. But I need to make it more homely. It's driving me nuts.

My hot spots are the kitchen which is huge. The bathroom which is tiny. Eldest daughters bedroom which needs quarantining and the playroom which is constantly being messed and tidied.

Oh and the washing. My god. The washing.

Going to do my 15 mins in the kitchen now

Washing! That's my main problem, overflowing and everywhere! Then I pull a load ot of tumble, dump it down and am bad at folding putting straight away. Think cos my wash and tumble are in a room we never use. So full of clothes and crap now!
I'm super lucky with washing, I only.have 5 bottoms and 8 tops that fit me now and OH wears a uniform so I only have to do a wash once a week on Friday after work and sheets and towels every fortnight. Craft room almost done need to get a new chair to replace broken one and some plastic tubs from ikea. Got a new pair of pumps yesterday to replace ones with holes. They're pink suede and go with all my minimal wardrobe. I never would have worn any bright colours before I started losing weight so I'm really pleased with myself, I feel really confident in them!
skint_chick said:
I'm super lucky with washing, I only.have 5 bottoms and 8 tops that fit me now and OH wears a uniform so I only have to do a wash once a week on Friday after work and sheets and towels every fortnight. Craft room almost done need to get a new chair to replace broken one and some plastic tubs from ikea. Got a new pair of pumps yesterday to replace ones with holes. They're pink suede and go with all my minimal wardrobe. I never would have worn any bright colours before I started losing weight so I'm really pleased with myself, I feel really confident in them!

Your so lucky re washing! Shoes sound v nice:)