Why Be Normal?
MinnieMel said:Morning!
New do? Woohoo!
You just jump in -- wherever you are. No catch up... It's not a race, but like managing your weight: it's taking control. BABY STEPS!!!
Today: Following "Skinny Rules"
What's for dinner? Sort that.
1. Finish dusting, cleaning, clearing hallways (up and down). Wash and oil antiques furniture.
2. Vacuum stairs.
3. Clean front door (in/out), plus glass panel windows.
4. Quick clean kitchen (wipe table, counters -- trash, recycling out). Sweep and mop floor.
5. Clean master bath (tub, sink, loo, floor)
6. Dust and clutter clear bedroom - big job set a time limit
7. Base errands
8. Grocery shop
Pack -- Print boarding passes, etc.
I got through most of this and then some! Then out if bed, in a car and on two planes spending over 24 hours getting here!