de-cluttering the home, as well as body & mind

MinnieMel said:

New do? Woohoo!

You just jump in -- wherever you are. No catch up... It's not a race, but like managing your weight: it's taking control. BABY STEPS!!!

Today: Following "Skinny Rules"

What's for dinner? Sort that.

1. Finish dusting, cleaning, clearing hallways (up and down). Wash and oil antiques furniture.
2. Vacuum stairs.
3. Clean front door (in/out), plus glass panel windows.


4. Quick clean kitchen (wipe table, counters -- trash, recycling out). Sweep and mop floor.
5. Clean master bath (tub, sink, loo, floor)
6. Dust and clutter clear bedroom - big job set a time limit
7. Base errands
8. Grocery shop

Pack -- Print boarding passes, etc.

I got through most of this and then some! Then out if bed, in a car and on two planes spending over 24 hours getting here!
Back at home, DD back at school, struggling to get back to weight loss and fitness plans, plus trying to get CHAOS under.


Sneak Peek for the Week: November 4 - 10, 2012

New Habit for November 2012 - Menu Planning

This month's new habit is menu planning. Now don't go running to the
closet and hide. This is quite simple when you take just a few minutes
each week to do this. You can't eat what you don't have in the house.
Just the simple act of sitting down and thinking about what to fix for
the next week then going to the grocery store and purchasing the food
will give you more freedom than almost anything. This will save you
time and money and put good food in your pantry. When you have
nutritious food in your home you will feel better about what you and
your family are eating. We are going to focus on how to jump start our
menu planning and more!

I already did Wednesday's "assignment" on Saturday and went shopping... So, I'll sit and menu plan based primarily on what I purchased. I had some meals in mind as I shopped. Tonight is a rolled meatloaf with South Beach mashed potatoes for DH and Smile Fries for DD. A tossed salad, as well. I plan to have a S and S meal... I need to make an effort here.

This Week: Zone 2 - The Kitchen

Zone 2: Mission #1 Monday

Dear Friends:

We are in the Kitchen this week and we are going to work our way
through from top to bottom!!

Your mission for today is to look UP! Now I am only 5 Ft 4 and I
have a tendency to only see what is at my eye level. Today we are
going to look up, set your timer for 10 minutes and take a broom or a
Swiffer and get those dusties and cobwebs that are hanging on the
upper walls that are taller than you, the corners of the ceilings and
the ceiling. If you are feeling adventurous ask someone in the house
to help you and take a damp rag to the light fixture and/or ceiling
fan. Please be careful!! Check out the top of your refrigerator as
well. I am always so floored at how much dust accumulates on top of
the fridge!! Don't get obsessed and take your light fixture apart or
repaint the ceiling! Babysteps!!!!

I'm beyond the quick sweep mode: I want to follow this by washing the ceiling and coving. I've been doing a pretty good of the basics with the kitchen and even a lot of cupboard cleaning and sorting. So, this week in Zone 2 I plan to make a real effort to deep clean.

I also need to accomplish my "Monday Work" - kitchen clean-up (floors, etc) and downstairs loo at a minimum (plus daily tidy and laundry), all beds changed.
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Oh Mel, I'm glad you've reawoken this thread, could do with some inspiration.

So far today

wash up from breakfast and bleach the sink
wipe over bathroom.
empty bins
make beds.
1 load washing done and on the dryer
ran a couple of errands
hoovered the lounge ( not thoroughly bu hey, it's a start)
Took some of the clutter back upstairs
doing grocery shopping this afternoon after work.

Pooped, but have lots to do to finish today's "minimum to do" list.

This Week: Zone 2 - The Kitchen

Zone 2: Mission #1 Monday

Dear Friends:

We are in the Kitchen this week and we are going to work our way
through from top to bottom!!

Your mission for today is to look UP! Now I am only 5 Ft 4 and I
have a tendency to only see what is at my eye level. Today we are
going to look up, set your timer for 10 minutes and take a broom or a
Swiffer and get those dusties and cobwebs that are hanging on the
upper walls that are taller than you, the corners of the ceilings and
the ceiling. If you are feeling adventurous ask someone in the house
to help you and take a damp rag to the light fixture and/or ceiling
fan. Please be careful!! Check out the top of your refrigerator as
well. I am always so floored at how much dust accumulates on top of
the fridge!! Don't get obsessed and take your light fixture apart or
repaint the ceiling! Babysteps!!!!

I washed the ceiling today using the Swifter Wet Wipes -- it took awhile because I'd do a section then take a break (it was challenging). Tomorrow, I will wipe the coving with wipes. I also thoroughly cleaned the floor with the steam mop, then wet wipes.

I also cleaned the downstairs loo. :)

I wrapped some of DD's Christmas gifts for her teachers, a baby gift for our neighbor's new great-grand child, a birthday gift for a friend's baby, and birthday gifts for two friends. I need to find the cards to go with gifts.

Still need to remake my bed (vacuum under the bed and dust). I need to finish up in there with the deep clean.
Hello, looks
like you are all doing well. I finally did a declutter this morning and stored out a wardrobe.

Also intending to donate to a charity shop tomorrow which feels like a big step.

6 weeks of term before Christmas - 5 days per week of doing some thing and there should be a big difference. I intend to focus on toys and clothes......
Nettee said:
Hello, looks
like you are all doing well. I finally did a declutter this morning and stored out a wardrobe.

Also intending to donate to a charity shop tomorrow which feels like a big step.

6 weeks of term before Christmas - 5 days per week of doing some thing and there should be a big difference. I intend to focus on toys and clothes......

Great plan! Go you!
Zone 2: Mission # 2 Tuesday

Back to the kitchen we go! Your mission for today is to wipe down the doors of your cabinets. Use a damp rag and wipe down the fronts and the edges of your cabinets. This is really a simple thing to do but we have a tendency to ignore the cabinets because there is always so much more going on in the kitchen. Finger prints and grease
attach themselves to the cabinets and make them a little sticky. A good wipe down will make such a difference. Remember we are taking baby steps!!! Small little missions that add up to a shiny kitchen.

Daily Focus Tuesday
On Tuesdays, We take some time out to Plan our week. Planning means taking time to look at next week and see what we can do to make things easier for us during the next week. Here are some things we can do to plan:
Menu planning
Activities planning
Date Night and Family Fun Time planning
Wardrobe planning
Checking prescriptions to see what needs to be refilled
And anything else you might need to plan. There are tons of things we can do to save ourselves time later!

We also get to have lots of fun on Tuesdays. This is where the play part comes from. When our planning is finished, we get to go play! Spend the rest of the day doing something fun just for you. See that movie you've been wanting to see, take a long bath with a good book, or get out and have some fun at the gym. Whatever makes you happy! This is all about you.

"See what you can do this week to make next week easier!" ~ FlyLady
bettiesrevenge said:
have you been in my kitchen ? :)

Sat in mine most of day, but accomplished nothing! Going to have to make up for lost time.

How are you doing?
Almost finished spring cleaning my bedroom. I even sorted out some summer clothes and selected about 1/2 dozen things to toss.

All I have left to do is (until it comes around again on the Flylady rota) is rehang my curtains. Tomorrow I will clean the master bath and move on to the upper hallway.

The kitchen is this week's rota and I was supposed to wash the cabinets today. I have a steam cleaner I've never used and may try it out tomorrow on them.
ShredFanSW said:
Just seen this thread - I LOVE Flylady :)

And, I HATE Jillian! Lol. I need to break out my shred and get going on it! How's it working for you?
MinnieMel said:
Almost finished spring cleaning my bedroom. I even sorted out some summer clothes and selected about 1/2 dozen things to toss.

All I have left to do is (until it comes around again on the Flylady rota) is rehang my curtains. Tomorrow I will clean the master bath and move on to the upper hallway.

The kitchen is this week's rota and I was supposed to wash the cabinets today. I have a steam cleaner I've never used and may try it out tomorrow on them.

I used the steamer and cleaned all the cabinets and counters! Love it. Cleaned the oven, too! I also moved thngs around on the walls and in some cupboards. So, kitchen is not too bad.

Bought a new tele today to replace the heavy big box style that was in the master bedroom. It still works great, but it needed to be updated. All I need to do in the MBR is rehang the curtains -- which I'll do when I finish up on Minis and clean the carpet with the shampooer which I will do one day next week. I plan to clean every carpet in this house before Christmas.
MinnieMel said:
And, I HATE Jillian! Lol. I need to break out my shred and get going on it! How's it working for you?

It isn't at the moment, my stepdaughter's bed occupies the majority of the front room. But we have just been approved for a bigger house so she will get her own room and I can start Shredding again by the end of the month :)
ShredFanSW said:
It isn't at the moment, my stepdaughter's bed occupies the majority of the front room. But we have just been approved for a bigger house so she will get her own room and I can start Shredding again by the end of the month :)

Good opportunity for a big clean, clear out -- a move! I hope it goes well. Once you're settled add your shredding to your "de-cluttering/cobweb clearing" posts!
I will have to check out the Flylady site in the morning (am on my phone at the moment) to see if she has a special Moving House Control Journal! Babysteps it is!
mommyB said:
I have her book 'sink reflections' and there is a moving house section in it so there may well be one on the website !!

I think there is a moving check list.
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I didn't get my car sorted yesterday -- so, it has been bumped to today.

Clean Car Boogie!
flylady, 11/9/2012

It's time to do another Clean Car Boogie:

Do you have room for your children?

Check your children's car seats to make sure they are securely fastened to the seat.

Do you have UFOs that could become a hazard if you had an accident? Clean them out.

Does stuff fall out when you open the door?

Do you smell something bad and can't find it?

Are there 2 changes of clothes and a couple of sweaters in your car?

Do you still have boxes of 27 fling boogie give-a-way items waiting to be dropped off?

Why do we do this to ourselves?

Let's go out there and empty our cars. Drop off the stuff that needs to be given away.

-- in addition to this I need to vacuum the car out, run it through the car wash, wipe down the interior and clean the windows. I hope I get this done and dusted today. (Fridays is sort your car day.)