love it
Well I havent quite achieved my whole list but my goodness it looks so much better already !!
Tidyed the whole of downstairs-kitchen, bathroom, lounge, hallway stairs and back passage. Shone my sing, wiped down the worktops and gave the bathroom a wipe over, took out all the recyling, emptied the bins, and put a load of laundry on.
I've also had 3 phone calls , had I not been interupted I wreckon I woulde had 15 minutes in at least one of the bedrooms but I am pooped now.
Just having a cuppa before I head off to work- I may do some of upstairs later if I feel up to it. Still not 100% healthwise so I dont want to set myself back
Tidyed the whole of downstairs-kitchen, bathroom, lounge, hallway stairs and back passage. Shone my sing, wiped down the worktops and gave the bathroom a wipe over, took out all the recyling, emptied the bins, and put a load of laundry on.
I've also had 3 phone calls , had I not been interupted I wreckon I woulde had 15 minutes in at least one of the bedrooms but I am pooped now.
Just having a cuppa before I head off to work- I may do some of upstairs later if I feel up to it. Still not 100% healthwise so I dont want to set myself back