From this morning: dishes done, sink cleared, floor swept, laundry rebooted, bed made, dressed in fitness clothes, brekkie and vitamins consumed, light box used, dinner planned, downstairs loo swished and swiped...
About to vacuum the most of the house up and down, then try to finish ironing, finish laundry... Errands and dinner... Fitness and crochet practice before last class. (Oh, pop into shop forgot a couple of things yesterday).
Updated: downstairs vacuumed, entrance area mopped, cottage pie made (in fridge will pop in oven as I leave for crochet lass -- DD and DS should be back from wall climbing by 6:15 to remove it -- If DH is late getting home. Laundry in dryer and about to start another load (I noticed DS and DD brought down clothes this morning). Cabinet wiped down and Refrigerator scrubbed outside and wiped inside. (Just need to sort paperwork, etc and put magnets back on it.)
Best cleaning help ever:
Fabulous on tough works, caked on stuff, black heel marks, fingerprint grub -- love these.
Cooking stuff cleaned up -- getting ready to prep soup for tonight's BNS and chili pepper soup. May iron -- still need to vacuum upstairs.
DS sorted GF's V-Day gift. Spa vouchers and a cactus. She old Jim no flowers because she's leaving Saturday for Berlin and they'll be dead when she gets back. They're doing their V-Day tomorrow evening before she goes.
I wonder what I should get myself for Valentines Day? I think DH s feeling very generous after last night's no show.

. Hummmmm....