Morning! Need -- to -- find -- motivation!
Well came home from my hearing.
Mount washmore is gone.
Load hung up to dry
Cooked dinner
Hoovered livingroom hall and kitchen rug
Cleaned the kitchen
stacked the dishwasher
Swished and swiped the bathroom
Need to clean the windows of the master bedroom I so want a steamer for this reason!
I so want
Live my steamer -- don't use it enough. Argos has a pretty good one for about 30 pounds. I gave my friend one for her birthday.
:wavey: I just started with FlyLady again. Doing the basic morning and before bed routines! YAY for shiny sinks and early bedtimes!
I need to do the morning routines. I just jump in a flap about...not really flying!
Shine my sink is the most under rated motivator on earth. Nothing makes me feel more overwhelmed than a sink that's full of dishes.
It is -- I can't cook in an untidy kitchen.
I totally agree, although my sink is the most annoying thing and I can't seem to get the water marks off the drainer, and when I do, the slightest bit of water ruins it again!
Luckily for me, we moved house around 6 months ago so clutter is to a minimum. The spare room which is my OH's 'studio' is starting to get a bit cluttered as I keep moving paperwork and letters from where they get dumped in the kitchen to his desk. Also in dire need of an over-door coat hanger as the coats we aren't currently using have nowhere to live. Also the vacuum cleaner, airer, sweeping brush and ironing board have no proper home. The joys of living in a city centre flat that doesn't even have one storage cupboard
Try using white vinegar on a oft cloth to wipe your sink.
Get an over the door coat hanger for one door (I have one on the back of the office door) or if there is a place on the wall near the door, put up one of those wooden board with coat peg things.
Love this made from old skis! I might go looking for something to create this!
By the front door I have a pine shelf with some pegs underneath it. It s supposed to be used for "guests coats". DH puts his keys on that shelf and we have a dog leash hanging there. I end up moving coats and crud off those pegs the hall tree -- it's too much effort for them to open the cost wardrobe right by the front door.
In also have an antique long wooden strip thing with pegs (under the stairs along with with the dog's crate, her carry box on top, a box with her stuff in it, and a pine box with DD's skate bag, extra pool towels, etc. in it). The long peg thing and a cheap hook strip above it is used to hang her school bag, swim suits, racquet ball gear, extra PE kit, a bag with extra swim stuff, etc.
Also, there are over the door ironing board and iron holders.
Strips of clips for the back of the door that hold mops, brooms, etc.
One of my vacuum cleaners is tucked behind a dresser in a corner and another is under a cover. I'm planning to make bother cover -- I have a pattern.

I have this pattern.