de-cluttering the home, as well as body & mind

Well took kids out yesterday Kept on top of laundry but that was all

Today spent half an hour in the kids side of the kitchen decluttering Also wiped down some grubby toys
Hoovered and mopped kitchen
Pulled out sofa's in sitting room mainly to locate lost toys but hoovered and mopped there while they were out
I have one load to dry and 2 to put away

Didnt get as much done in my bedroom as i would have liked
I think I will go up half an hour before bed and clear off the bedside tables then shower and bed
If I can get on from my laptop later I shall copy & paste what I've done today. Mammoth clean - sparkly house! :)

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Well took kids out yesterday Kept on top of laundry but that was all

Today spent half an hour in the kids side of the kitchen decluttering Also wiped down some grubby toys
Hoovered and mopped kitchen
Pulled out sofa's in sitting room mainly to locate lost toys but hoovered and mopped there while they were out
I have one load to dry and 2 to put away

Didnt get as much done in my bedroom as i would have liked
I think I will go up half an hour before bed and clear off the bedside tables then shower and bed

Good work!

If I can get on from my laptop later I shall copy & paste what I've done today. Mammoth clean - sparkly house! :)

Sent from my new ARCHOS tablet :)

Impressed already. I saw your to do list!
I swear this process would be much easier without men getting involved! I got home late last night, about half 10pm, and Mr Taz was in a bit of a grump as he had to wait up for me to come home as I hadn't taken my keys out with me. I told him I had to sort the recycling out for this mornings collection before I could go to bed and he said to leave it til the morning. I said I still had to do the washing up (as I knew he wouldn't have done it) and he said to leave that til the morning too. Luckily I ignored this one and went to the kitchen to find a massive pile of washing up to do! I really don't know how one person can even create that much in one day! So I pointed out to him how annoyed I'd have been in the morning if I'd have got up to find that mess! I then did the washing up and sorted the recycling out. Job done, bed time, woke this morning to no washing up to do and no recycling to do. Happy Taz :D

Starting on the lounge today, I may not get much done but I hoping to get a good amount done. Once this room is done I will be happy and I can start on a maintenance plan for keeping the whole place clean and tidy.

We really need a new kitchen and bathroom but those will have to wait til next year I think
I swear this process would be much easier without men getting involved! I got home late last night, about half 10pm, and Mr Taz was in a bit of a grump as he had to wait up for me to come home as I hadn't taken my keys out with me. I told him I had to sort the recycling out for this mornings collection before I could go to bed and he said to leave it til the morning. I said I still had to do the washing up (as I knew he wouldn't have done it) and he said to leave that til the morning too. Luckily I ignored this one and went to the kitchen to find a massive pile of washing up to do! I really don't know how one person can even create that much in one day! So I pointed out to him how annoyed I'd have been in the morning if I'd have got up to find that mess! I then did the washing up and sorted the recycling out. Job done, bed time, woke this morning to no washing up to do and no recycling to do. Happy Taz :D

Starting on the lounge today, I may not get much done but I hoping to get a good amount done. Once this room is done I will be happy and I can start on a maintenance plan for keeping the whole place clean and tidy.

We really need a new kitchen and bathroom but those will have to wait til next year I think :confused:

Men can be very annoying when your trying to clean. Between my OH & the kids I'm constantly cleaning!

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I wouldn't mind so much if he'd have done some of it! I have made it clear that when I go back to work he has to share the load
YAY MONDAY!!! And they're all out... DH to work, DS to work! (day one of a job finally) and DD to school. The plumber even showed up EARLY to fix the power shower! Whoop!

Today is Monday: Weekly Home Blessing Hour

This week we are in 2 Zones:
Zone 5: The Living Room
Zone 1: The Entrance, Front Porch and Dining Room

February Habit: Decluttering for 15 Minutes a Day
March Habit: Getting Dressed to Shoes

* Morning Routine:

* -Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth --( in sweats but all else done.)
* - Make Bed -- ( always!)
* -Swish & Swipe -- (checked will do soon)
* -Empty Dishwasher -- (done and reloaded, putting away bits left on counter to dry now)
* -Reboot Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away) -- (some hung up in airing cupboard, some to dry. Some in dryer, some to fold and lads to iron... Next on list!)

* -Check Your Calendar (done, but will update)

* -Check Your Control Journal. (NEED TO MAKE THIS)

* What's For Dinner? (chicken - will decide how to prepare soon)

* Drink Your Water (glass at hand)

* Declutter for 15 Minutes (Have done, but will do more)

* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise) :(. Need to do!)

Zone 5: Mission #1 Monday

Let's have a Fire Drill on the flat surfaces of the Living/Family room!!!! Do you have a hotspot in there that is burning? Get out the trash bag and an empty laundry basket. Toss the trash and put the things that need to be put away in other rooms in the laundry basket. Once you have cleared the hotspots, deliver the other items to the proper rooms.

This might take a little longer than 15 minutes if so than work for 15 minutes, take a break for 15 and go do another 15. Let's put out those fires!

My "usual Monday" is kitchen floors, counters, windows, etc. I rotate on some of the things (not every Monday) but the floor gets done for certain. However, I've moved this to Tuesday along with the downstairs loo and ensuite. And the hallways and stairs and living room are done Wednesday (if not already). My routines aren't perfect and I'm tweaking all the time.

I'm going to work on laundry: wash, dry, gold, iron and put away... Wish me luck!
So, far a little sorting - load washed - in airing cupboard. Working on drying and setting timer as its in the detached garage and I tend I forget about it. Sewed DD's Level 6 patch on (talk about ANTI- procrastinating... She only got it Saturday).

Have had porridge, bar -- starving -- so hot cup of low sodium chicken bullion (10 calories). I'm going to try and wait for my shake as a mousse until closer to 3:30. Then I have 1 product with veggies left (chili over green beans).
Day 2 well underway.

I feel good not having my home blessing to do as well as mind three kids. I'm dressed etc.

I need to sort my room & mop floors but washing is moving along :)

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IRONED! Not done but made a big dent in it.
Washed dishes and put away
wiped down kitchen and emptied bins
shone my sink !!!
planned evening meal
1 load of washing washed and hung on airer
sorted thru dd2's nghtwear and bagged up what no longer fits
Tidyed messy corner of our room and put away clean bedding
Hung some hooks in the walk in cupboard-hung bags and walking boots on them

Went to work

Came home and had lunch

wrapped Dad's gift and wrote card
delivered last of Avon books and collected some others in
Picked up MrB's suit from cleaners
collected DD2 from school
visited Dad
came home started dinner
sorted thru the coat cupboard and bagged up all the girls coats and jackets that no longer fit
made up lunch boxes for tomorrow
some ironing
ate dinner
washed dishes
Pj's on and chillin' !!!!
Last edited:
This morning I am going to do my blessing hour, downstars only and I shall face my nemesis-the kitchen and bathroom floors-hate doing them, dont know why, so they never get done.
May do some more sorting/decluttering upstairs after work
Got very little done yesterday, reorganised a cupboard which allowed me to empty a rather large heavy box so some space has been made. I got distracted by a photo album though, had a look through it and found pictures of a smaller me which was really depressing :(
Surely you mean inspiring Taz ??
I know what you mean tho, i saw some photo's last night of a friends daughter , she's absolutely beautiful, slim, her whole life in front of her and i suddenly felt very old and frumpy :(

Well I my be old and frumpy but my downstairs is net and tidy.Got those floors finally mopped and what a difference !!! just waiting for it all to dry before I put everything back.
I think my overall plan is to get on top of everything and all caught up then set myself some proper routines. I know it can be done, baby steps really are the way to go !!
My 2.5 year old helped me to unload the dishwasher & change the laundry over. Its taking me most of the morning to fold the clothes from the dryer cause I'm not well. I've done the nursery runs, breakfast, lunch etc as well.

Sent from my new ARCHOS tablet :)
Washed dishes and put away
wiped down kitchen and emptied bins
shone my sink !!!
planned evening meal
1 load of washing washed and hung on airer
sorted thru dd2's nghtwear and bagged up what no longer fits
Tidyed messy corner of our room and put away clean bedding
Hung some hooks in the walk in cupboard-hung bags and walking boots on them

Went to work

Came home and had lunch

wrapped Dad's gift and wrote card
delivered last of Avon books and collected some others in
Picked up MrB's suit from cleaners
collected DD2 from school
visited Dad
came home started dinner
sorted thru the coat cupboard and bagged up all the girls coats and jackets that no longer fit
made up lunch boxes for tomorrow
some ironing
ate dinner
washed dishes
Pj's on and chillin' !!!!

Let's see... Did 1 - 5 on your list (including folding and putting away a load of towels, but didn't empty bins DS's job).
Took dog to groomers.
Went by Friend 1's house to visit and dropped off DD's small clothes. Went by another friend's house (dropped off 2 pair jeans and little coat for dog -- too small for ours). Went by CFF's house (not home) -- put DVD through slot and left bag of magazines on her porch.
Came home -- started working a big clutter situation in dining room. Just as I was about to stop (one hour FlyLady thing), when friend 1popped in... Stayed quite awhile, but she left with clothing bags and some other bits.
Finished packing Easter package for friends, got a card ready with photos from ages ago (anti-procrastinating).
Took DD with me to pick up dog.
Took DD to piano. Brought DD and friend home from piano.
Made DD's lunch for tomorrow.
Made dinner for family, had my S & S.
Tidied kitchen.

*** still might iron and work on laundry.

Dishwasher unloaded and recycled
Hoovered 2 bedrooms, bathroom hall stairs and landing
Hoovered lounge including under the cushions and sofa.
Dusted lounge
Polished mantle and tv
Cleaned windows
Decluttered for 15 minutes
27 thing fling in the office
Bit of a tidy in the porch
Bit of a tidy in the playroom

Today - null poi!

Dishwasher unloaded and recycled
Hoovered 2 bedrooms, bathroom hall stairs and landing
Hoovered lounge including under the cushions and sofa.
Dusted lounge
Polished mantle and tv
Cleaned windows
Decluttered for 15 minutes
27 thing fling in the office
Bit of a tidy in the porch
Bit of a tidy in the playroom

Today - null poi!

Awesome Day, Nat!