Sunday, March 10, 2013. Renew your Spirit.
Plan for the Week: March 10 - 16, 2013
Zone 3: The Bathroom and One Extra Room (This week that other room will be the Laundry Room.)
This month's Habit is: Getting Dressed to Shoes
Zone 3: Mission #1 Monday
The bathroom: Clean around the backside and the sides of our toilets. The wipe down all the surfaces.
The Laundry Room: Today we are going to declutter all of the laundry supplies that we have hanging around. This means to
toss whatever you have that you do not use or do not like. This also means to toss all of those empty boxes and bottles that seem to pile up. Those soap boxes, dryer sheet boxes, fabric softener bottles, etc.
Zone 3: Mission #2 Tuesday
Have you noticed that your bathroom begins to smell bad and you can't find the stinky culprit. We are going after these yucky odors.
Take your rugs, all the fuzzy stuff on your toilet, and the towels that are just for show and we are going to wash them. While you are in the laundry room grab an old rag or washcloth and wipe down the lid of the washing machine and dryer. I am always shocked at the dust and stuff that seems to just accumulate here.
With the rugs in the washer: Sweep the bathroom floor and take a dirty towel and wet it and just mop the floor. When the rugs are finished put them back in your wonderful smelling bathroom!
Zone 3: Mission #3 Wednesday
When you go in your bathroom each morning do you have trouble seeing yourself in the mirror. Is your beautiful image blurred from the toothpaste splatters and water marks?
Grab your favorite window cleaner and let's bring a shine to the glass. This will only take a few short minutes and while you are at it, shine that sink too.
Your Laundry Room Mission is to clean out your lint filter and double check your vent hose. Lint build up in the filter and in the vent hose is a leading cause of house fires. Something so easy for us to check but something that we just don't remember to do. Also look underneath your dryer as well, lint has a tendency to fly around and then get caught up under the dryer.
Zone 3: Mission #4 Thursday
Your next mission is to clean out your bathtub. If you don't do it everyday, the bathtub ring takes on a life of its own. Let's wipe down our tubs and get rid of that ring. If you haven't done it in a while you may need to use a little cleanser. Most of the time a
little soap on a rag will take care of it.
Your Laundry Room mission for today is to empty the trash can that always seems to get forgotten! You will get bonus points if you remember to replace the bag once you take out the used one!
Zone 3: Mission #5 Friday
You have scrubbed, shined, swished, swiped and washed this week, now it is time to enjoy the fruits of your labor! Your mission for today is to take time out for you. Take a bath or shower and enjoy it! Take your time when washing your hair, scrubbing your body, shaving the forest off your legs and just enjoy the moment of being alone in your fresh, sparkly bathroom.
Your laundry room mission for today is to place a picture of your family or favorite pet or a picture of something that is special to you in your laundry room. This allows you to see something pleasant when you are blessing the laundry.