I need flylady back in my life! I am sitting here frozen in panic due to all the house work I need to do before school run time at 3.00
Good on all of you for keeping up the motivation
Have done my home blessing hour-downstairs only- and 2 loads of washing which are hung on the airer ( not quite nice enough to hang it out, but those days are coming, I can feel it !!). know what's for dinner and have shined my sink.
Off to work shortly then I think I will do some ironing before the school run. I am also finally going to make a start on that control jorunal-if nothing else it will control the pile of papers that keeps appearing in the ktichen.
The lounge is finally back to normal so I am now ready to join the world of cleaning!
I really fell off the wagon again this weekend! Starting my MR a little late today.![]()
Ahhh love this thread - it's got me back into FlyLady. Though there's no way I have time to do everything every day, but even just a little bit helps hey?
My sink (and hob) are now lovely and shiny andy Worktops are wonderfully clean lol
YAY Sink is shined, trash is taken out!
Oops! Just booked an appointment with Magnet to get a quote to redo the kitchen!
Dishes done, beds made, and a load of towels done and hung out in the garden !!
Off to do a food shop shortly then I I have some clean laundry to put away and I need to get to the bank at some point today-probably after work is more realistic, couple of other errands to do too at the same time
I need to pack up a parcel that is being collected tomorrow and I WILL start that control journal today !!!
1 bag of other clutter been collected by a charity this morning and I have another box of other stuff waiting to go, but that's for another day !
Dishes done, beds made, and a load of towels done and hung out in the garden !!
Off to do a food shop shortly then I I have some clean laundry to put away and I need to get to the bank at some point today-probably after work is more realistic, couple of other errands to do too at the same time
I need to pack up a parcel that is being collected tomorrow and I WILL start that control journal today !!!
1 bag of other clutter been collected by a charity this morning and I have another box of other stuff waiting to go, but that's for another day !
Do you find the light box helps?
I've swished, cleaned/polished off appliances, done my ironing and sorted out Tupperware. And I've been working a couple of hours too. I even cleaned my shower screen this am too, hoovered and cleaned the bunnies litter tray, oh and I decluttered a hotspot too.
Def feel more organised for this and notice I'm hopping out of bed with a bit more of a skip too.
I really suffer with depression and it does seem to be worse in the winter months. Possibly it's something that could help me. How long/often do you use it?
The shelf above my Tupperware holds baking stuff. So I went through that too (the Virgin Media man had shown up so I'd been kicked off my work connection). Chucked loads of out of date stuff out. Cleaned, sorted and organised that area now into two sealed plastic tubs. I have filled a whole black sack with plastic tubs and out of date toot that was constantly getting in my way. Jobs a goodun!
Oh and while disconnected they all got on and thought for themselves a bit in the office too, so a bit of a result all round really.
Mama-bear said:Quick note regarding light box -i make jewellery in front of mine or have my breakfast, check on emails, fb or minis etc. Mine is supposed to be used for 30mins but lately I've not had a chance to use it every day so it might be every few days. I've found it good
Sent from my new ARCHOS tablet![]()
I just got a light box. Only used it once so far though. What do you do mel to use it? I sat watching tv. But thought I might try reading or even doing my emails and mini stuff in morning. But I had it to the side of me not infront. Does that matter?
Thanks, I think I'll try that. It has to get in your retina. I had visions of putting it on and having a half hour nap. Now that's lazy!
I'll do s session tomorrw x
Thanks again
I've decluttertastic already and I feel so much better already for it. So much so that I'm even going to attempt 'dieting' again. Something I've been struggling with for a long time. That's another story for another thread, but I'll be relaxed about it, I'm not trying myself up in knots over it again.
Anyhoo... this morning, bathroom swished, then I spent 10 mins clearing the mountain of cr@p from my office desk. It actually looks like a normal room now rather than a dumping ground. Even my son put the hanger for his school shirt away of his own accord rather than leaving it on the floor.
Quick change of bunnies litter/hay then off to make early train to work. Lunch/juice all prepared last night so was nice and easy.
I was thinking that as a routine, spending 15-20 mins first thing in the morning, while my morning bath runs, doing a few jobs upstairs works well for me. I'll give the office a quick polish next time hey? ;-)
A wee bit of ironing tonight when I get in and dinner defrosting in the fridge. Sorted!
Have a good day all.