Monday, April 15, 2013.
Today is Monday: Weekly Home Blessing Hour
This week we are in Zone 3: The Bathroom and One Extra Room [I'm going to work in my dining room]
This month's Habit is: Making Your Bed. (We do this).

. So, I'll continue "dress to my shoes and exercise" as my "habits to improve".]
* Morning Routine:
* -Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth
* - Make Bed
* -Swish & Swipe
* -Empty Dishwasher
* -Reboot Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away)
* -Check Your Calendar
* -Check Your Control Journal [Need to Make This]
* What's For Dinner? [I had meatballs in the freezer -- so pasta and meatballs for the family and "low day JUDDD fish meal" for me.]
* Drink Your Water [Not as good as I'd like, but fair.]
* Declutter for 15 Minutes [Unpacking]
* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise) [No planned fitness, but housework.]
* Before Bed Routine:
* -Lay out Your Clothes for tomorrow [Done]
* -Check Your Calendar [Done]
* -Put things needed for tomorrow at the Launch Pad [Done]
* -Where are your Keys? [Done]
* -Spend Two Minutes Clearing off a Hot Spot [Done]
* -Shine Your Sink [Done]
* - Wash face/Brush Teeth [Done] and floss [Done]
* -Go to Bed at a Decent Hour. [Nope, but I'll be better than yesterday]
Zone 3: Mission #1 Monday
For the Bathroom:
Spend 15 minutes decluttering health and beauty aids! This means toss the old medicines, hair sprays, gels, shampoos, conditioners, old razors, old dried up nail polish, old cosmetics and anything else that is hanging around in your bathroom that you have not used in the past year!
Grab a trash bag and start tossing. Don't hold onto something because you "might" use it, or because you might need it, this is
how clutter breeds! Be brutal and toss, toss, toss.
Most Pharmacy's have medication disposal available please check with them for the proper way to get rid of the old medications. You can also call your local department of public works and ask them for how they recommend to dispose of old medications where you live.
Have fun and toss, toss, TOSS!
5 Minute Rescue for the Guest Room - Set a timer and spend 5 minutes: tossing the trash and putting things away. No Guest Room? Choose another room!
[I've done these recently, but I'll do them again -- especially as I'll reset up our travel kits (I have our to go basic toiletry bags in a plastic tub in a cupboard. That way our regular stuff stays where it belongs and we can brush our teeth as we leave and don't have to unpack the minute we get home. I set up my weekly vitamins and check medications, etc. as I do this.]