de-cluttering the home, as well as body & mind

I think my house is as tidy today as it was on Saturday! ;)


Well I did make a dent over the weekend & Monday. I just need to clean the kitchen again (dishes, laundry, floor), a luck spruce u of the already tidy living room, touch up of the bathroom etc. Kids room & playroom are fine, just beds to make this morning. My room is decluttering, just a few more clothes to hang then drawer tops to clear. The powder room needs the floor washed but if my son decides he still wants to start wearing 'big boy pants' today then most of my floors will be washed many times :) overall the house isn't too bad but I'm not flying again yet. One habit I've kept up is checking the calendar & writing everything on there.

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My problem is I feel like I have to clean my flat before I can start my new healthy routine and acquiring the motivation to clean my flat is even more difficult that dragging myself to the gym -.-'' Too many distractions.
​Little by little, you will get there! Don't put off a healthy lifestyle, the 2 can go hand in hand quite nicely
I have to "think" myself into doing things... probably due to depression, but the jobs do get done eventually... but its the extra things like washing the curtains that can take longer.. I want to get rid of my extra stash of yarn that is suffocating me (I do a lot of crochet) and I want to do some sewing... I look at the clothes in the shops and dont like many of the dresses in the shops so thought I would try and make something for myself.. in the past my personal sewing projects leave a lot do be desired but if I clear my room of all the stuff I dont think I will get around to using, I can concentrate on making something nice. Losing weight has helped me to see what I can do to simplify my wardrobe too... I chucked out the size 20 trousers and now in 18's and they are getting baggier a nice dress for a wedding due at the end of April will be a nice goal and reward for me to attempt.
Are those the fly lady ones ? where did you get them ?

I sympathise with thte depression and not wanting to do things. I have really low days when I dont want to get out of my chair but I have found that it really does make me feel better if I only just make myself do a little bit. Then I dont have a reson for beating myself up for wasting another day, if that makes sense ?
I have to "think" myself into doing things... probably due to depression, but the jobs do get done eventually... but its the extra things like washing the curtains that can take longer.. I want to get rid of my extra stash of yarn that is suffocating me (I do a lot of crochet) and I want to do some sewing... I look at the clothes in the shops and dont like many of the dresses in the shops so thought I would try and make something for myself.. in the past my personal sewing projects leave a lot do be desired but if I clear my room of all the stuff I dont think I will get around to using, I can concentrate on making something nice. Losing weight has helped me to see what I can do to simplify my wardrobe too... I chucked out the size 20 trousers and now in 18's and they are getting baggier a nice dress for a wedding due at the end of April will be a nice goal and reward for me to attempt.

I donated some of my excess yarn to a care home. A lot of the elderly residents like to knit, crochet, etc.
With the depression, a friend of mine told me once what she was told when she was recovering from ME (if you ever do really recover!). She was told that all household chores need to be colour coded depending on the effort required to do them. It could be physical or mental effort. Have 3 categories, choose your own colours and assign each chore to a category (easy/quick/more enjoyable tasks, requiring some effort/takes a while/not so enjoyable, and Rather scratch your own eyes out with a rusty nail!) and each day depending on how you are feeling decide what you can cope with realistically aiming for that particular day. For example, one day you may have little energy so you aim to do just one or 2 category 1 tasks spread out through the day. Another day you may feel that you can tackle the largest of jobs. Another you may be able to to one from category 2 and a few of the smaller jobs.

Sounds weird but it works :)
With the depression, a friend of mine told me once what she was told when she was recovering from ME (if you ever do really recover!). She was told that all household chores need to be colour coded depending on the effort required to do them. It could be physical or mental effort. Have 3 categories, choose your own colours and assign each chore to a category (easy/quick/more enjoyable tasks, requiring some effort/takes a while/not so enjoyable, and Rather scratch your own eyes out with a rusty nail!) and each day depending on how you are feeling decide what you can cope with realistically aiming for that particular day. For example, one day you may have little energy so you aim to do just one or 2 category 1 tasks spread out through the day. Another day you may feel that you can tackle the largest of jobs. Another you may be able to to one from category 2 and a few of the smaller jobs.

Sounds weird but it works :)

That sounds like a very good way to sort chores :)
It works for many similar conditions. And not just chores but tasks like going out to the shops or going to the gym etc.
Well I made a dent in housework. The jobs that don't get gone, like hoovering under beds. Omg the dust, and grey fluff?! Just horrible! But feels so satisfying after its been done.
I got a few more bits to do yet, I bought underbed storage, this time with lids, otherwise everything gets sooo dusty!
I think the sun being out had helped, I got a spurt on and had energy, although my thyroid meds have been increased so I think the combination of sun and extra thyroxine was what gave me the energy to do it and the mind set to start it.

I like the colour code idea, might try that one x
God bless thyroxine!

I did my underbeds too! Grotty was an understatement!
Where's mini mel???
We need our routines posted :(
Mama-bear said:
She's been on holiday. Only back today. You can subscribe to flylady email & get the routines each week :)

Sent from ARCHOS tablet :)

Thanks :)
Monday, April 15, 2013.

Today is Monday: Weekly Home Blessing Hour

This week we are in Zone 3: The Bathroom and One Extra Room [I'm going to work in my dining room]
This month's Habit is: Making Your Bed. (We do this). ;). So, I'll continue "dress to my shoes and exercise" as my "habits to improve".]

* Morning Routine:
* -Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth
* - Make Bed
* -Swish & Swipe
* -Empty Dishwasher
* -Reboot Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away)

* -Check Your Calendar

* -Check Your Control Journal [Need to Make This]

* What's For Dinner? [I had meatballs in the freezer -- so pasta and meatballs for the family and "low day JUDDD fish meal" for me.]

* Drink Your Water [Not as good as I'd like, but fair.]

* Declutter for 15 Minutes [Unpacking]

* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise) [No planned fitness, but housework.]

* Before Bed Routine:

* -Lay out Your Clothes for tomorrow [Done]
* -Check Your Calendar [Done]
* -Put things needed for tomorrow at the Launch Pad [Done]
* -Where are your Keys? [Done]
* -Spend Two Minutes Clearing off a Hot Spot [Done]
* -Shine Your Sink [Done]
* - Wash face/Brush Teeth [Done] and floss [Done]
* -Go to Bed at a Decent Hour. [Nope, but I'll be better than yesterday]

Zone 3: Mission #1 Monday

For the Bathroom:

Spend 15 minutes decluttering health and beauty aids! This means toss the old medicines, hair sprays, gels, shampoos, conditioners, old razors, old dried up nail polish, old cosmetics and anything else that is hanging around in your bathroom that you have not used in the past year!

Grab a trash bag and start tossing. Don't hold onto something because you "might" use it, or because you might need it, this is
how clutter breeds! Be brutal and toss, toss, toss.

Most Pharmacy's have medication disposal available please check with them for the proper way to get rid of the old medications. You can also call your local department of public works and ask them for how they recommend to dispose of old medications where you live.

Have fun and toss, toss, TOSS!

5 Minute Rescue for the Guest Room - Set a timer and spend 5 minutes: tossing the trash and putting things away. No Guest Room? Choose another room!

[I've done these recently, but I'll do them again -- especially as I'll reset up our travel kits (I have our to go basic toiletry bags in a plastic tub in a cupboard. That way our regular stuff stays where it belongs and we can brush our teeth as we leave and don't have to unpack the minute we get home. I set up my weekly vitamins and check medications, etc. as I do this.]