Undeniably - but at the same time it would be great to be in the position of being able to treat one another to something a bit special. We never have any spare to do anything with. We dont go out, we dont drink, we dont buy each other anything. To be honest this year has been worse than usual because we have had a long succession of events that cost a lot of money, like my sons 18th and my OHs 40th and my MILs 80th and my cousins wedding. Next year should be a little easier in the short term but then we will be experiencing a significant drop in income mid-year.
I would love to, but we simply cant risk it. Got two big direct debits coming out straight after christmas, the car tax due at the end of the month, we just had to find £40 for new tyres for the car, still got other presents to buy and we need to eat!
Things are that bad that my eldest said he would refuse any gifts from us that came to more than £20 in total.
We are literally skating through this. Next year, as I said, might be a little easier and I intend to be a bit ahead of the game but this year there was just no room for any preparation in advance.
I think I shall just stay out of the Christmas threads. They make me really sad, and I dont want to be grumping when everyone else is looking forward to it so much.