Debridgers' Food Diary & Ramblings

WK39 / Wed 08May - Red

Good day on plan - no syns

Breakfast: cooked brekkie
scrambled eggs using part HEA1 milk, bacon, mushrooms & tomatoes

Lunch: pulled pork salad
pulled pork, lettuce, cucumber, tomato, radish, beetroot

Dinner: Smoked haddock & veg
smoked haddock, carrot & swede mash, runner beans, caulifower & broccoli

Supper: post pub (without the pub!) platter
2x400g malted nimble (HEB1),40g rf cheddar (HEA2), smoked salmon, red cabbage, radish, tomato, mixed peppers, beetroot, gherkins, pickled onions,

milky coffee (part HEA1)

HEA x 2 // HEB x1
Syns - NIL
weekly syns 154.5 / 100

Oh well, another DD for Thurs - fingers crossed for tonight (hope it's not too savage after my cider meltdown Monday
Morning Debs... I keep meaning to try pulled pork but I need to get Kev a decent recipe... I know you do yours in the slow cooker but do you spice yours? X
Morning Debs... I keep meaning to try pulled pork but I need to get Kev a decent recipe... I know you do yours in the slow cooker but do you spice yours? X

Morning Chelle,
Well, the last one which had a much better sauce was 1/2 - 3/4 carton passata, chilli flakes to taste, shwartz BBQ seasoning (syn free), paprika, (I would have used smoked if I'd had some), some balsamic vinegar, worcestershire sauce and garlic - none of it was really measured, I just kept tasting it as I went along

That made enough for dinner that night, and I've frozen the rest for another day - maybe with chicken
Morning Chelle,
Well, the last one which had a much better sauce was 1/2 - 3/4 carton passata, chilli flakes to taste, shwartz BBQ seasoning (syn free), paprika, (I would have used smoked if I'd had some), some balsamic vinegar, worcestershire sauce and garlic - none of it was really measured, I just kept tasting it as I went along

That made enough for dinner that night, and I've frozen the rest for another day - maybe with chicken

I will pass that along to masterchef Kev!,
Thanks for that Debs... Have a lovely day...xx
WK39 / Thur 09May - DD

black coffee, herbal tea, diet drinks

Well, what a windy day (and I mean the weather!)

'lovely' trip to the job centre - that's the worst thing about not working, and a pop to the shops for a few bibs and bobs, but not much else today.

Pleased that after my ciderfest at the weekend, I still managed a 0.5lb loss - so, eating & drinking syn free and 2 fasting days has worked - YAY

Already planning tomorrows food - and looking forward to it
WK40 / Fri 10May - Red

Weather couldn't make up it's mind all day, although, in the main it remained dry, lots of wind, and breaks of sunshine, so 2 washloads done and on the line
which I then ironed, made soup, chopped my fruit, and lovely food

smoked salmon, poached eggs, asparagus - one of my favourites, feels like a treat and is syn free

Homemade French onion soup (onions, oxo)

Dinner: Roast Lamb & all the trimmings
roast lamb, SW roasties (HEB1), carrot & swede mash, runner beans, broccoli, cauliflower cheese (2.5), onion sauce(7), yorkshire puddings(4.5)
both sauces using HEA1 350ml skim milk

Night down the pub - and was pretty restrained after the last few visits lol - only had 4 pints

Supper: 2x hi-fi light (HEB2) kitkat chunky (12.5)

HEA x1 // HEB x2
cheese sauce - 2.5
onion sauce (1 tbs SR flour, 1 tbs clover light) - 7
2x small yorkshire puddings - 4.5
4 pints cider - 40
kit kat - 12.5
total daily syns: 66.5
total weekly syns: 66.5/100
Not been around, been rather busy, and a bit poorly for a couple of days last week.

Will pop by diaries over the next couple of days (reckon there's loads to catch-up on)
And will do a proper update on here

Hope everyone is well
Well, after a busy week or so, spending time with friends and family, the weekend before last searching for a new bathroom suite (mine is avocado lol)
awaiting delivery of said suite, bike riding (when weather permitted) and finding problems and sorting brakes locking on, few lunches out, a bit of walking with my SW class, dog sitting for a week, normal shopping, household duties and a couple of days yukky in bed, But, I'm now back....You can't get rid of me that easily

Stuck to plan (foodwise) last couple of weeks, had a 2lb gain last week... but I was out day before WI eating & drinking far too much, then came home to a monster chocolate craving, which is unlike me, but, hey ho.
Was determined to lose that for this weeks WI (last nigt) and did - I lost 4lb so well happy with that, but I really, really did try for it!!

well, as I say, food has been fine, and I have it logged, but I wont bother writing it up
So, another week today

Have a friend over this evening, we haven't seen since September, so I'm sure my change will surprise her.
We'll be going for a few beers of course, and she'll be stopping over, so the fridge is stocked for breakfast, and I might even share my Joes sausages (maybe lol)

Think we're off to a classic car show and autojumble sometime over the weekend, probably tomorrow if the Met office weather is correct.

Anyway - still going through the threads so will pop up again later

Have a good day