ProPoints Debs78's just trying not to put weight on now!! (16/105lbs)

I am a total plank!!!! :mad: Just when I'm starting to get somewhere, what do I do, I sabotage myself. I've been so good all day at work knowing it will pay off on the scale for weigh in tomorrow. I've been looking at a sts all week but this morning I finally showed 0.5lb down. Not a great deal but a loss just the same. I think because I haven't tried this week I know I don't really deserve a loss so I came home from work and have had alcohol. I've had 51pp, 9 over my dailies. I'm still within my weeklies by 8 and this will re-new tonight but I still think I have really over done it. If I had gone over with good healthy choices I wouldn't mind but I did it on c**p and I just feel so angry :mad: :cry:

Knowing my body I am fully expecting a sts if not a gain tomorrow morning. TBH though I think I also relish getting it. I think if I still get a loss after this the temptation will be to do similar every week. I know what people say and I am allowed to eat the weeklies, that's what they're there for, but for me I think I really need to keep to my dailies. I know I'm not drinking anything like I was before Christmas but I still find it disappointing that I still feel the need to have a drink after a stressful day.

Well that was a bit of an emotional pour out but, hey, that's kinda the point of this diary. I need to be able to look back and see failures as well as successes. I just need to relax, go back to where I was last week and I will soon be back on the right track. End of the day it took me the best part of 12 years to put most of this weight on so it's bound to take me a while to break those habits and lose the weight :rolleyes: See...I'm still positive Debbie for 2012 lol :D :D :D
I can't believe it but I lost 2lbs :eek: :D I know what I said yesterday about hoping for a sts or gain so I can "have a word with myself" but clearly I was doing ok anyway :D I have now decided that I am a weeklies convert. I have felt in the last 3 weeks that eating all my dailies must be bad but eating all the weeklies too....that's just cheating!! But clearly I was wrong :D

I am determined to step up the exercise this week so that I don't hit the dreaded plateau. I really feel that I finally have a bit of control. For once in my life I am thinking about what I eat and how much. Yes I'm having a couple of glasses of wine tonight and a roast for dinner but I am pointing it. I might go in to my weeklies but I'm going to enjoy them and I am going to lose weight next I just have to keep my job ;) (de-selection test and interview week commencing Feb 13th, wish me luck!!)

Still positive Debbie for 2012 :D :D :D
copied from a thread I put on general chat...

Just because I think it will help me to read this back later...

I've done that annoying thing of putting diet in inverted commas...sorry :eek: I've done it because I honestly believed that I would put weight on this week. In fact, if anyone out there reads my diary (can't blame you if you don't), you will know that I have spent this week beating and berating myself for going over my dailies and in to my weekiles, believing I was cheating.

I lost 2lbs this week taking me to 1 stone in just 3 weeks :eek: :D Yes I have a long way to go but this is the first time that I have lost weight like that in such a small amount of time unless I was on some total torture diet like LT or Exante. The only problem being I would have eaten my own arm by now :rolleyes: I am eating so well that even when I got up for work at 5am the last 2 days I managed the whole day without feeling like a pile of c**p :D

I am going to copy and paste this in to my diary because I want to be able to look back at this point when I get to a difficult time but still want to share with anyone on here who has struggled.

You can do this. This diet WORKS!! As long as you are honest with yourself. Count EVERYTHING but DON'T beat yourself up if you slip. I took a good few years to put all this weight on, what chance would I give myself if I expect to lose it in just a few short months??!!
I've had a couple of difficult days. I've been stressed at work and home and just feeling really hungry a lot of the time so have ended up using all of weeklies already (weigh in day not until Sunday). But I feel like I'm back with it today. I'm no nights for the next 2 so know I wont over eat as I'll either be at work or asleep :rolleyes: I'm sticking with though and even when I'm eating far more than I should I am still being very honest and pointing everything.

I think my success at the weekend had exactly the effect I had feared it would. I saw that even though I hadn't been great last week I still lost a couple of lbs. This has made me complacent this week and it's showing with the food choices I have made. I'm really going to focus for the next few days and see if I can repair some of the damage I have probably done. The main thing is that I stay honest and so that if I do get a sts or gain I can look back at my food log and see that it is what I have eaten that has caused it and not that the diet doesn't work. It's so easy to kid myself otherwise.

I'm also going to start using a target for exercise. The one I have been set on the ww online tools is 14 activity points per week. I'm going to really try to achieve this and I'm sure I will see the results in the scales :)
I have not had a good few days. I've been on nights which is always a danger time for me. I have also had quite of a lot of stress this week for various reasons and so have used the fridge to make me feel better. Of course all it's done is made me feel like cr*p :cry:

I need to have a word with myself :copon: otherwise I am in real danger of undoing the work I have done in the last 3 weeks. I'm not really sure what the answer is. I'm really going to do my level best to get back on track. Nothing more to say I'm just disappointed with myself :cry:
Weigh in today and it was STS :rolleyes: Not going to cry over it because all things considered I was lucky to get away with just sts and not a gain this week. I am determined to start afresh now and put the last week behind me. I'll be shopping later today and will make sure there is lots of tasty low point food in there and no rubbish so that I don't get bored this week and reach for the crisps.

Onwards and downwards!! ;)
Sounds like you've had bit of a difficult week - don't beat yourself over it, we all have them! It's a massive change to eat healthily and bring in exercise nevermind deal with all the emotional ties that come with food!

I see your a Nottingham lady too! Wonder if it was the same groupon garage that you took your car too? Mine came out with a massive long list of repairs so I went straight to Burger King in an attempt to cheer myself up haha!
Sounds like you've had bit of a difficult week - don't beat yourself over it, we all have them! It's a massive change to eat healthily and bring in exercise nevermind deal with all the emotional ties that come with food!

I see your a Nottingham lady too! Wonder if it was the same groupon garage that you took your car too? Mine came out with a massive long list of repairs so I went straight to Burger King in an attempt to cheer myself up haha!

Lol, maybe. I took it to one in Stapleford. To be fair they weren't half as bad as I had feared. It ended up costing £195 which for an X-reg car I thought was pretty good going.

Thanks for the support x
Weeeellllllllll, I've found out why I've been as hungry as a horse this week. I'm pregnant :eek: Very early stages so only tentatively excited at the moment but it does explain my mood and appetite.

It's not ideal timing though, I really wanted to get a lot more weight off before getting pregnant. Being so overweight is far from ideal. I'm determined not to put weight on though and now that I know why I have wanted to eat so much I'm going to make so much more effort to eat well and healthily. I did really want to carry on with weight watchers but I know they don't let you. I have heard of other women adding extra points to make sure they are getting enough but to help them keep an eye on what they're eating but I'm not really sure how many to add. I obviously can't find any literature or guidance though.

Anyway I'm going to look forward to the next 8 or so months. I've been waiting a long time for this. OH is still a bit shell shocked, I don't think it's sunk in yet. After nearly 12 years together it's going to be weird having a third person in the relationship but I can't wait :D
I was attending classes during my first pregnancy and was told by the consultant that I could carry on with WW (until my 13week) as I had weight to loose it wouldn't do me any harm.

Though Slimming World welcomes pregnant ladies so that may be an option for you.

Obviously take advice from your GP until you see the midwife.

And congratulations!
Oooo I've been a bit slack writing my diary this week, it even slipped on to page 2 of the diaries, must try harder ;)

I've lost another 2lbs this week which I'm really pleased about. I've tried to be really good this week especially as I want to be as healthy as possible for the little bean. The problem is apparently all the bean wants to eat are bird's eye chicken dippers :( This is not going to help me in my quest not to put on weight whilst pregnant!! I haven't given in too much but I also haven't been brilliant the last couple of days. I am still tracking though. I edited my profile to say I was breast feeding which I've heard a few other women say they've done and it really helped to keep them on track but with a few extra calories. It must work because I've been following it since last Monday and have still lost weight this week :)

I had to book off sick from work last night which I'm not very happy about. I worked a night shift on Saturday but had to get a lift due to the snow. I asked my manager if I could leave 10 mins early in the morning to make sure I could get a lift from the night shift but he said no so I had to wait for the morning shift even though there was a supervisor who could cover for me in the other room. Long story short, due to staff shortages, by the time I got someone from the morning shift to take me home it was gone 0900 when I should have finished by 0630. I was sick with exhaustion and really upset, more from anger than anything else. My manager knows I'm pregnant but I haven't stopped working nights yet because it's a big giveaway that you're pregnant and I didn't want everyone finding out yet. I just feel that he had a total disregard for my welfare. I would have normally just gone in last night and suffered but I thought that clearly he doesn't give a damn about me so why should I make myself feel ill.

Anyway I just hope I have a better week this week. I think morning sickness is on it's way as I just had my first wave of it while hoovering so that's something to look forward to lol :jelous: