*deep breath* my journey to a thinner / healthier me

Super quick post as we had unexpected guests last night, they're only staying with us for 1 night and then at my mum's for the next 2 nights. But I wanted to come on and report that I am 1.5lbs lighter :woohoo:
Well done on the loss hun. That's fab.
Well done on the loss Em. Glad to hear you're getting even more excited about your holiday. Have a great week!

Kev XX
Well done! X
Hey sweetie :woohoo: on your loss:winner:
bet you super excited about your holiday coming up ....
Have a great time at your mum's catch ya soon xxx:hug99:xxx
Well.done hun x
Good morning, Have a great day! X
great news on the loss...and another day closer to holiday ! xx
Missing you Em, hope everything is okay xx
Hope you are ok.hun x x x