Dee's Second Time Around Diary ~ Still 5st to go

Hi Dee, I love your ramblings, keep them coming.

It's really funny, but I never really thought I had an issue with carbs per se until I did S & S and realised what a total carb junkie SW had made me, I'm the same with pasta, absolute no no. I had pizza at the weekend and assume thats the reason I have blown up like a bouncy castle over the last 2 days!

I would dearly love to follow low carb as DH has been for the last 7 years, but I just don't like meat, which makes it incredibly difficult to do.
hey Nyssa & Lottie Thanks, welcome to my diary :)

@ Lanark: when I first started I realised how little quality protein I was eating & being lower carb @ times I had protein comming out my ears, so if you dont like a lot of meat & fish protein low carb can be very hard.


Friday & saturday I have one <500 DD & one ID <1200. Sometimes I swap them around depending on circumstances. Sunday is my indulgence day so I have a nice brunch (fry up) & a sunday dinner with all the trimmings :)

Post DD weigh ins

~2nd Feb ~~233.2 ~~~ <500 ~~~ -1lb
~5th Feb ~~232.0 ~~~ <450 ~~~ -1.2lb
~7th Feb ~~231.4 ~~~ <200 ~~~ -0.6lb ~~ wk1 (2.8lbs)
10th Feb ~~230.6 ~~<600/1000 ~ -0.8lb
Had a good UD today conflakes for breakie, salmon bagel for lunch & a loaded jacket potatoes green beans & a large serving of turkey bolognaise.. so i'm feeling nicely full this evening :)

Ramblings of a carb junkie....
Having been on this WOE a while, I've really learned how to get more bang for your buck out of food nutritionally & portion wise 'Hungry Girl' style (love her recipes but alas you cant get the products here so have to improvise). I cook low fat only using healthy oils & keep an eye on maximising my protein intake by using lean meats etc. I have cut out a few things that I use to eat on a regular basis & have them occasionally like white bread, rice & pasta which bloats me like a puffer fish & brings out my cravings.
I started out lower carbs for the first 3 months & it helped to wean me off the junk carbs but now I'm a little more relaxed & will have a 100 cal ish indulgence, a biccie or mini muffin or chocolate, but now I'll only have one rather than the whole packet lol...I'm waffling on a bit I know... but Juddd has really changed my relationship with food.
I still fall off the wagon for a day or 2 @ times but juddd always pulls me back inline. They say it takes 60 days to form a new habit & I think I have this juddd habit for life.

Sounds great, this is what I'm aiming for eventually. I know white carbs do crazy things to me, need to take a leaf out of your book I think!

You're doing well x
Hey ilikepencils Thanks. I hope my ramblings didnt come across as saintly lol I still get tempted & succumb to the white carbs like I did @ the W/E, but its not that bad if its just occasionally.

Post DD weigh ins

~2nd Feb ~~233.2 ~~~ <500 ~~~ -1lb
~5th Feb ~~232.0 ~~~ <450 ~~~ -1.2lb
~7th Feb ~~231.4 ~~~ <200 ~~~ -0.6lb ~~ (-2.8lbs)
10th Feb ~~230.6 ~~<600/1000 ~ -0.8lb ~~ (-3.4lbs)
12th Feb ~~231.8 ~~~ <350 ~~~ +1.2 ~~ (-2.2lbs)

Had a UUAD carb fest on Sunday & still paying for it with carb bloat. Found some rum cake I had stored in the freezer from xmas & the rest is history, Oh well I enjoyed it and will balance it out with lower carbs <30/100) this W/E.
Post DD weigh ins

~2nd Feb ~~233.2 ~~~ <500 ~~~ -1lb
~5th Feb ~~232.0 ~~~ <450 ~~~ -1.2lb
~7th Feb ~~231.4 ~~~ <200 ~~~ -0.6lb ~~ (-2.8lbs)
10th Feb ~~230.6 ~~<600/1000 ~ -0.8lb ~~ (-3.4lbs)
12th Feb ~~231.8 ~~~ <350 ~~~ +1.2lb ~~ (-2.2lbs)
14th Feb ~~230.6 ~~~ <480 ~~~ -1.2lb ~~ (-3.4lbs)

After 2 good DDs, I'm back to my pre weekend blowout weight ... Phew :).
I'm now half way to my desired half stone loss for the month, so although there's some choccie & a glass or two of wine with my name on it tonight, I'm definately keeping it within my UD cals & following it tomorrow with a good low carb DD.

Ordering my gymball this weekend so I can start doing some light weights & chair style exercises. Apparently just sitting on it helps to retrain your core muscles, so hopefully it will help improve my balance. I've been looking for the fitball 101 DVD everywhere as it good for beginners with mobility problems, but you can only get it in the US. :(
Post DD weigh ins

~2nd Feb ~~233.2 ~~~ <500 ~~~ -1lb
~5th Feb ~~232.0 ~~~ <450 ~~~ -1.2lb
~7th Feb ~~231.4 ~~~ <200 ~~~ -0.6lb ~~ (-2.8lbs)
10th Feb ~~230.6 ~~<600/1000 ~ -0.8lb ~~ (-3.4lbs) WI
12th Feb ~~231.8 ~~~ <350 ~~~ +1.2lb ~~ (-2.2lbs)
14th Feb ~~230.6 ~~~ <480 ~~~ -1.2lb ~~ (-3.4lbs)
16th Feb ~~229.2 ~~~ <550 ~~~ -1.4lb ~~ (-4.8lbs) New decade!! :)

Happy to be in the 220's YaY ..... Stomach been playing up the last few days, reflux or IBS who knows... I havent had an attack for a while, almost forgot how miserable it makes me feel <sigh>
I'm going to make today an UD instead of a MD & have a DD tomorrow.
After deciding to make yesterday an UD rather than a MD by body is confused, I could eat a block of flats, but decided to have a loaded omelette later. That will teach me to mess with my rotations, sticking to alternate days now till the end of the month.

I enjoy catching up on diaries & posts, Keeps me on the straight & narrow. Is it just me or does the board seem a little quiet this week...<watches the tumbleweed roll by & speculates on the calorie content>

After deciding to make yesterday an UD rather than a MD by body is confused, I could eat a block of flats, but decided to have a loaded omelette later. That will teach me to mess with my rotations, sticking to alternate days now till the end of the month.

I enjoy catching up on diaries & posts, Keeps me on the straight & narrow. Is it just me or does the board seem a little quiet this week...<watches the tumbleweed roll by & speculates on the calorie content>


Hi Dee, well done of getting to under 230, it's so motivating to see those numbers going by isn't it.

I've noticed all the boards have been quiet as I also follow the Exante/S & S boards and there are hardly any posters, perhaps all the new years resolutions have fallen by the February wayside, although I did think maybe for the VLCD boards it's a sign of the times and no one can afford to be spending 50 quid a week on shakes.

I have suffered today for messing with my rotations as well, Saturday has pretty much always been a down for me and I'm usually glad of it after weekend indulgence but I was bad yesterday and so I'm doing a DD instead today and am STARVING!! I can honestly see why those super models resort to eating cotton wool......well almost!
Post DD weigh ins

~2nd Feb ~~233.2 ~~~ <500 ~~~ -1lb
~5th Feb ~~232.0 ~~~ <450 ~~~ -1.2lb
~7th Feb ~~231.4 ~~~ <200 ~~~ -0.6lb ~~ (-2.8lbs)
10th Feb ~~230.6 ~~<600/1000 ~ -0.8lb ~~ (-3.4lbs) WI
12th Feb ~~231.8 ~~~ <350 ~~~ +1.2lb ~~ (-2.2lbs)
14th Feb ~~230.6 ~~~ <480 ~~~ -1.2lb ~~ (-3.4lbs)
16th Feb ~~229.2 ~~~ <550 ~~~ -1.4lb ~~ (-4.8lbs) New decade!! :)
18th Feb ~~228.8 ~~~ <400 ~~~ -0.4lb ~~ (-5.2lbs)

Still feeling yucky & bloated with stomach probs, going to eat little & often today to get my cals in. I do find Juddd plays havoc with my BMs. Need to up my fiber & water. I'm terrible @ remembering to drink enough.
Post DD weigh ins

~2nd Feb ~~233.2 ~~~ <500 ~~~ -1lb
~5th Feb ~~232.0 ~~~ <450 ~~~ -1.2lb
~7th Feb ~~231.4 ~~~ <200 ~~~ -0.6lb ~~ (-2.8lbs)
10th Feb ~~230.6 ~~<600/1000 ~ -0.8lb ~~ (-3.4lbs) WI
12th Feb ~~231.8 ~~~ <350 ~~~ +1.2lb ~~ (-2.2lbs)
14th Feb ~~230.6 ~~~ <480 ~~~ -1.2lb ~~ (-3.4lbs)
16th Feb ~~229.2 ~~~ <550 ~~~ -1.4lb ~~ (-4.8lbs) New decade!! :)
18th Feb ~~228.8 ~~~ <400 ~~~ -0.4lb ~~ (-5.2lbs)

Still feeling yucky & bloated with stomach probs, going to eat little & often today to get my cals in. I do find Juddd plays havoc with my BMs. Need to up my fiber & water. I'm terrible @ remembering to drink enough.

Wow you are absolutely flying it now! I drink the slimming tea from boots, one cup before bed and the senna works over night with no major incidents!
Post DD weigh ins

(Total monthly loss)
~2nd Feb ~~233.2 ~~~ <500 ~~~ -1lb
~5th Feb ~~232.0 ~~~ <450 ~~~ -1.2lb
~7th Feb ~~231.4 ~~~ <200 ~~~ -0.6lb ~~ (-2.8lbs)
10th Feb ~~230.6 ~~<600/1000 ~ -0.8lb ~~ (-3.4lbs) WI
12th Feb ~~231.8 ~~~ <350 ~~~ +1.2lb ~~ (-2.2lbs)
14th Feb ~~230.6 ~~~ <480 ~~~ -1.2lb ~~ (-3.4lbs)
16th Feb ~~229.2 ~~~ <550 ~~~ -1.4lb ~~ (-4.8lbs) New decade!! :)
18th Feb ~~228.8 ~~~ <400 ~~~ -0.4lb ~~ (-5.2lbs)
20th Feb ~~227.6 ~~~ <500 ~~~ -1.2lb ~~ (-6.4lbs)

Stomach starting to settle, but feeling run down & tired. I am going to restart taking daily multivits with probiotics, magnesium + B6, vit c with zinc. calcium with vit D. I'm not really a massive vitamin taker as I prefer to get my vits through food, but I'll order a month's worth & see how it goes.
Post DD weigh ins
End of Jan ~~~ 106.0 kg = 234.2 lbs = 16 stone 10 lbs: Monthly WL Goal 7lbs

~2nd Feb ~~233.2 ~~~ <500 ~~~ -1lb
~5th Feb ~~232.0 ~~~ <450 ~~~ -1.2lb ~~ (2.2lbs)
~7th Feb ~~231.4 ~~~ <200 ~~~ -0.6lb ~~ (-2.8lbs)
10th Feb ~~230.6 ~~<600/1000 ~ -0.8lb ~~ (-3.4lbs) WI
12th Feb ~~231.8 ~~~ <350 ~~~ +1.2lb ~~ (-2.2lbs)
14th Feb ~~230.6 ~~~ <480 ~~~ -1.2lb ~~ (-3.4lbs)
16th Feb ~~229.2 ~~~ <550 ~~~ -1.4lb ~~ (-4.8lbs) New decade!! :)
18th Feb ~~228.8 ~~~ <400 ~~~ -0.4lb ~~ (-5.2lbs)
20th Feb ~~227.6 ~~~ <500 ~~~ -1.2lb ~~ (-6.4lbs)
22th Feb ~~227.4 ~~~ <650 ~~~ -0.2lb ~~ (-6.6lbs)

Went a little over on my DD, a couple of mini muffins & too much salt (processed meat) has left me a little puffy today. I think the 0.2 loss was due to a second pee before weigh in this morning lol. With 3 down days left in Feb, unless I mess up badly I should end up with a monthly loss of 7lbs or hopefully (fingers crossed) a little more. :)
Just popping in to subscribe. Your stats are amazing! Well done.
If I dont listen to my body ~ Why should my scales!

Thank you Lanark, Lass, Bedtime & welcome Moonwatcher :)

Post DD weigh ins
End of Jan ~~~ 106.0 kg = 234.2 lbs = 16 stone 10 lbs: Monthly WL Goal 7lbs

~2nd Feb ~~233.2 ~~~ <500 ~~~ -1lb
~5th Feb ~~232.0 ~~~ <450 ~~~ -1.2lb ~~ (2.2lbs)
~7th Feb ~~231.4 ~~~ <200 ~~~ -0.6lb ~~ (-2.8lbs)
10th Feb ~~230.6 ~~<600/1000 ~ -0.8lb ~~ (-3.4lbs) WI
12th Feb ~~231.8 ~~~ <350 ~~~ +1.2lb ~~ (-2.2lbs)
14th Feb ~~230.6 ~~~ <480 ~~~ -1.2lb ~~ (-3.4lbs)
16th Feb ~~229.2 ~~~ <550 ~~~ -1.4lb ~~ (-4.8lbs) New decade!! :)
18th Feb ~~228.8 ~~~ <400 ~~~ -0.4lb ~~ (-5.2lbs)
20th Feb ~~227.6 ~~~ <500 ~~~ -1.2lb ~~ (-6.4lbs)
22th Feb ~~227.4 ~~~ <650 ~~~ -0.2lb ~~ (-6.6lbs)
24th Feb ~~228.2 ~~~ <500 ~~~ +0.8lb ~~ (-5.8lbs) eeek going backwards

Rambling time.....

Looks like I've jinxed myself, again, +0.8 up & I can feel every ounce of it. I know its mostly water retention as I'm still puffy & very achey (hope this isnt my lupus flaring up) & although I stayed close to my UD allowance, I didnt help myself by having a very carby day.

So am I surprised? No (I'm use to the bouncing scales) ... should I have known better? Yes ( I've learnt the good, the bad & the downright ugly about my body's responses to certain foods).... Am I disappointed? Not really ...ish lol (I know Juddd is very forgiving & my body can throw a strop from time to time, so I just stay steadfast & wait for it to fall in line)

Having been on Juddd for nearly 9 months I seen these patterns before & I know for me that a couple of moderate carbs UDs < 100g & low carbs DDs <30g will get the scales nudging downwards again. As I'm happy with the losses this month (anything over a 1lb a week is good, but 2lb would be better) I'm not feeling pushed to make any major changes, but I know if I dont want them to slow down even further I'll have to accept that I cant get away with too many high carb days.

My losses have dropped from 10lbs a month to 6 ish over the past 9 months & I've stayed with the same UD/DD cals from the start, So to stop the rot I'm gonna to revisit the Juddd calculator & have a little rethink for March.
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