shrinking violet
Dee! We drove past you today near asda and Nathan went "Bloody hell!! Is that Dee?!" :-D
Dee! We drove past you today near asda and Nathan went "Bloody hell!! Is that Dee?!" :-D
Deezer said:Soooo..... just getting ready to go to bed.... carboot in the morning.... urgh!!!
But once thats done the rest of the stuff can be donated to the local homeless charity and I can get stuff moved and sort the house out!!!
Hopefully get chance to run tomorrow!! In the afternoon maybe! After the tennis!!!
My breath was particularly horrid today so had a few chewing gums at work.... Have a horrible feeling its bumped me out of ketosis.... As tonight I've been STARVING..... hope not!! Guess we will see in the morning : (
Looking forward to starting my weights again Monday!! Although I'll be taking it nice and easy and going back down to my smallest kettle bell...
Right then....
Over and out!! Hope your all doing good!!
Shame the carboot wasn't good hun. I'm gonna ebay my clothes, you inspired me to chuck the comfort clothes
Woohoo routine is nice, weekends make me Barmy LOL
You can do anything you set your mind to babe!!! xPoor lil thing she's really been through it latelyhope she's alright!
Sorry the car booty wasn't as good as you'd hoped babes. It must be a lovely feeling to ditch the clothing tho
I am SO aiming to get under the 200's for the wedding that would be amazing but its doable if I keep up the walkingand doing my work out dvd's. This weekend has proven to me that I can be sensible when off plan, but following the plan I can obviously get myself to the goal I actually wanna have. I think the weekend of being careful but exercising has really given me a boost for when I go to Spain and stay 100%
but doing the amount of exercise I'll be doing will boost the scales in the right direction I hope! x x x
RebekahR said:Waaah chomp some veggies!! I'm the same pms monster!!
Think were number chasing again babeslol, its the way I lost weight the first time I did LT. Wanted to see a certain number the following week so pushed to get to it and it worked. I am doing really well today ...moods kinda lifting now I've got the scales moving the right way. Although can keep hearing those comments ringing in my ears and so wanna make her eat her words! I will also remind
her about what I said at the start of me dieting...which was ....if you want to say well done your looking good that's fine ...but otherwise SHUT UP!
x x x