Deflating the Bouncy Castle

Generally yoga ones, it separates the spine or something like that, meaning you have better posture & are taller. I just Google it & found some. Even if it doesn't work, my job is very sedentary so it helps my flexibility.

Ahh I thought it might be yoga! Had to stop that for awhile cos I injured my ribs stretching to hard :(
You're taller in the mornings, too. We get shorter over the day.

Krissy - if he has speed but it's just low count/ motility, they can do ICSI (or possibly some other arrangement of those initials) where they inject individual sperm into the egg. But if he has no sperm or the morphology is a problem, then you'll need donor sperm. Which doesn't have to be ivf at all, though you are given drug therapies to make you super-receptive to the insemination. With us, my husband is fine and I ovulate properly. It's just straight IVF to get the sperm and egg introduced.
We're not sure what is going on if anything, he went for a test once but they couldn't do it because there wasn't enough sample apparently. He's always thought he couldn't have kids, we're never tried but never not tried either if you get my drift. I would like a family one day but the possibility that together that may never be a possibility is becoming more likely, even though he procrastinates too much to get tested.
Its been more brought up lately though as the last of all 3 of his nieces is pregnant, so that's all 3 of them before they were even 20. More annoying than anything as babies have just seem to have become a fashion accessory to them, none work or have any qualifications and the most recent one probably never will now she can claim off the system!
Sorry for the rant on your page!
Aren't your GP scales super low weight ones? As in give you lower weigh in readings? Does that not mean you can ask for referral now? Or knowing how well organized you are you probably may have factored that in!! Regardless I understand your frustration n can only say you are a really amazing person and such an inspiration, I know you hear it all the time! But you will get there no matter how long it takes, let's just hope sooner rather than later to save your tears! Xxx deserve more than ever!
Krissykat said:

Fiance measured me then ;)

Heheh so cute - Kay definitely has excellent attention to detail!!!! X
Heheh so cute - Kay definitely has excellent attention to detail!!!! X

I know she popped up out of nowhere like a blue ninja!
I don't have a lot to contribute at the moment but I am still here keeping my eye on you all! Xx

I'm very wary now, must write fiance at all times! ;)
Hi Spangles,

I am glad you got your new phone sorted. I am sure you are enjoying all the upgrades with iphone 4. I know the camera is supposed to be fab. If you can get it unlocked -- you can buy a sim in the U.S. and use that for whilst you are there (a Pay as You Go).

I have an unlocked iphone and will do that this summer when I am Stateside.

I know that you are not a fan of fitness -- but doing some cardio to boost your BMR would help you jump start some losses. Tiny people like us have no choice... we have to "move it, move it" or we store it. Unfair, but true.

spangles i have just discovered your diary, flipping brilliant, funny and so inspiring. You would give marian keyes a run for her money any day. well done on your superb weight loss, im sure it seems a life time since you started in august. anyhoo im only day 2 cd virgin so i really hope i have the same motivation that you have, and to do ss at weddings and weekends away AND christmas!!! omg that is dedication, well done again xx
Aww thanks. And Marian Keyes! Praise indeed, I love her. In a slightly stalky, I'd like to be her friend way, if im honest... :eek:

Mel, I have started walking. Quite speedy walking for 40mins a day after work. Because exercise makes me so unhappy, I need not to have any barriers I can use as excuses not to do it. So it needs to be something I don't have to get changed for. Also low impact cos of knee injuries.

As I get a bit fitter and the evenings get warmer/lighter I'll increase the length of time, and speed at which I walk.
Aww thanks. And Marian Keyes! Praise indeed, I love her. In a slightly stalky, I'd like to be her friend way, if im honest... :eek:

Mel, I have started walking. Quite speedy walking for 40mins a day after work. Because exercise makes me so unhappy, I need not to have any barriers I can use as excuses not to do it. So it needs to be something I don't have to get changed for. Also low impact cos of knee injuries.

As I get a bit fitter and the evenings get warmer/lighter I'll increase the length of time, and speed at which I walk.

I am sure you'll start to reap the benefits of your increased activity -- and keep drinking the water -- it'll help, too.
Aww thanks. And Marian Keyes! Praise indeed, I love her. In a slightly stalky, I'd like to be her friend way, if im honest... :eek:

Mel, I have started walking. Quite speedy walking for 40mins a day after work. Because exercise makes me so unhappy, I need not to have any barriers I can use as excuses not to do it. So it needs to be something I don't have to get changed for. Also low impact cos of knee injuries.

As I get a bit fitter and the evenings get warmer/lighter I'll increase the length of time, and speed at which I walk.

I frequently use a stationary bike for working out. It's low impact, easy on the knees, but you can really get a good workout! I do get changed into sweats and a t-shirt for it... :)
we just don't have room. our living room can't really have more than one person standing up at once, to give you an idea of how small the flat is. i have had an exercise bike before. i used it once. i just find it very upsetting. hard to force yourself to do something when it makes you cry. my mental health issues are quite stupid-sounding, i know. but walking is working for me in a way nothing has for years, so i'm satisfied with that for now. and quite proud of myself for *letting* myself do it.
You're absolutely right - you've got to do something you enjoy and can stick with - for me it was a bike (started 10 years ago) and for you it's walking. Whatever works!!! :)
if you manage to befriend Marian Keyes, i'd like an introduction please! love her too :)
Buggering hellfire. Just been told that ofsted are in on weds and thurs. feel like vomiting. Anyone fancy being me until thurs evening?