Ok - so I haven't written much, cos there didn't seem much to say... i've been on the straight and narrow, haven't cheated, have been a bit grumpy but who wants to hear that...?
And then I've spent the last couple of days reading diaries and realised that people might indeed want to read it, so...
Grumpy, yes. It started at Kings Cross station on the way up to Edinburgh, and the feeling of really wanting a pasty or something was so overwhelming I ended up bursting into tears all over my lovely husband. And I realised, looking back that the things I've really been craving are the foods I eat when I get a special chance and can have them as well as meals. So, the sandwich or burger while out shopping, the pub food, the pasty at the station... And it isn't those foods particularly that are more desirable than others - but the sense of a special treat, a reward for being me.
Anyway it got worse on the train because we had a special deal for first class tickets and you get free food and drink, and they kept bringing the trollies and i kept just having water. Boo.
While we were in Scotland we met up with some mates for drinks and my husband got absolutely steaming drunk - and i had a total sense of humour failure when he was worse than no help getting a taxi afterwards... but apart from that I was fine. Until this week, the last full week of the holidays, and all our mates are planning days and nights out for the bank holiday and I realised I didn't fancy any of them because i feel so resentful that other people can eat pizza or have picnics (strangely, getting drunk i don't miss - but going out with hardcore drinkers is a bit dull). And then I'm aware I'm being bratty. So I get cross with myself.
Bless my husband, he has suggested we go to a jive night at a localish pub, because I can go out and and it won't be all about drinking. I love fifties / rockabilly stuff, but he hates it (he seriously ONLY likes repetative beats music: techno, dubstep etc). He's so totally lovely and supportive (even if he did get delivery pizza on friday) - I know I'm a very lucky girl!