Silver Member
Hello, just read through your diary, you're doing great, really fun read too
are you back at school yet?
thanks - back on friday.Hello, just read through your diary, you're doing great, really fun read tooare you back at school yet?
ugh - that's exactly like my situation. we're part of a federation of academies, which i believe makes it worse, but it's the way the wind is blowing in education.Hi Spangles, glad to hear your doing so well. I know what u mean re the pasty. I was shopping with pals at Bluewater last night and they wanted a pizza express. I could've cried, pizza is our fave junk food. Anyhoo, at least I got to order baby a kids spaghetti bol and got a lot of pleasure out of chopping it up and feeding him and seeing how much he enjoyed it! Still sucks though. It's scary how much I use food for enjoyment - it always seems to be the highlight of any occasion.
I'm a teacher too - music! I just left my job of 10 years as they wouldn't let me go part time after baby but tbh, I've been miserable for ages with all the political rubbish and my head really was a bully in so many ways. I'm going to be a visiting freelance instrumental teacher next term, really looking forward to it! Went for a few interviews for varying classroom and instrumental roles and I'm sure the main reason I didn't get other jobs was because of my weight. Don't mean to brag by any means but this is what I figured: I have degrees and diplomas coming out my ears (more than most heads in fact), 10 years experience, intense experience of ofsted and hmi including being consistently judged an outstanding teacher and a fab track record, so by method of deduction I can only perceive it to be the fat thing - maybe I don't fit the corporate image and people do seem to have a subconscious 'thing' against fat people. Do you find that at all? The job I eventually got was the best organised interview, the only place to actually audition me as a performer and the kid I taught for the interview lesson made cracking progress in the 15 mins slot, plus I was interviewed by 2 women. Can't say I miss the thought of not going back to being constantly overworked and demoralised, and the arts consistently being treated as the 'joke' of the curriculum and I really hope it's not the case for you.
Keep up the good fight - we WILL do it!
W x
wifeywoo said:Yeah, there's deffo far too much politics in education! Essentially I will b the breadwinner this year as hubby only has 2 days a week as he's starting a Masters course so i'm working 4 days self employed (so nothing in hols) so things will b very tight but hopefully a lot, lot happier. We both get the odd bit of freelance performing too - weddings etc so hopefully there'll b enough for nappies! My new job is at an affluent private school and I'll b billing wealthy parents directly so things should b ok. X
poppygreendog said:Hi Spangles - have loved reading your diary and thinking that perhaps I need one too to keep me on the straight and narrow. I'm a habitual restarter but am very determined this time. lol. Well done on your losses so far fantastic and I agree with you re porridge (bleurgh).