Deflating the Bouncy Castle

I can. I'm most impressed at how my face has changed. I always thought I didn't carry weight on my face, but I clearly did.
What does your necklace say 'Spanglicious'?!?! I cant quite figure it out x
spanglech1ck. tis my nickname all over the place (except with an 'i' instaed of a 1). I don't use it here, cos i don't want to be forever associated with dieting on google.
Completely and utterly Fabulous Spangles. I just flipped back to your first set of pictures.
Just Fabulous!
Nuff said! xx
ooh thanks - just did the same. I've come a long way, baby!

good to hear from you, btw - been too lonnnnnnnnnnng.
I know, I always keep an eye on how you're doing even though I don't post much.
I want to go to that new collectif shop! x
I was amazed at how much my face changed as the weight came off - OH has lost his 1st stone and already I can see it in his face. Weird as I didn't think my face was that fat.

Your pics look fab - I went to have a look at collect if as well, but they are all a bit too daring for me at the moment,since I am still gearing up to wearing my 1st dress in about 15 years. Problem I have is that I just have nowhere to wear it to!
wear it on christmas day! in my family we always wear something glam on xmas day. standing in the kitchen cooking is more enjoyable with sequinned high heels on... my in laws think i'm a bit overdressed as these days we tend to go to them, but frankly, i don't give a fig.

edit - and you're over 50lbs lighter than me! get in that frock, woman!
It's fair enough to spend more in colectif than on petrol, you live in London so probably can't drive far anyway!

I used to love colectif, lady luck rules, sailor jerry, little miss sew sew, god I was an eBay rockerbilly/ kitch a holic. I was forced into cloning rehab (I had another baby) and it became unsustainable. I even had a 1967 vauxhall viva which had bench seats and finned lights. It got sold to fund my extended mat leave!

I think you know how much wow factor you have got and ain't no shame in that game sista! work it!
yeah - i've been aware for the last few years that my clothes spend is (some of) what would've been childcare money. Though not all of it - blimey - childcare in london is steep! it's not cheap anywhere, i know - but... sometimes i wish we'd have twins, cos then i coud justifiably give up work, cos childcare x2 would make it uneconomic for me to work... hey - y'know... it *does* happen more often with IVF...!

So today's news: weigh in later today (at home cos CDC is on hols). I was blipping up a bit this morning on the scales so I took a couple of pro plus to get my system going (i don't have any caffeine otherwise, so it works as a near instant laxative). Well, it had the desired effect, but i'm all of a jitter! Can't focus on work and even my vision is a bit fizzy. silly girl.:rolleyes:
Dont mention childcare! Its certainly not cheap. This is part of the struggle I am having in looking for work, because I need to earn enough to cover childcare and make working worthwhile.
That's why I didn't return to work after my second, I would have been working just to pay childcare and still need to add more.
Ha yes I feel the pain! Childcare is our second biggest bill after the rent! We earn too much for tax credits I think and childcare vouchers save us 50 quid a month. Thankfully I can occasionally work from home.

Twins! The thought of two of my bundle of joy sends me into near panic I'd have to hire a nanny!

What are you like with the pro plus! (says she sitting in nero with a strong black americano thanks to an emergency senna stop!)
I only got my bloody PAY REVIEW...!

I'm a bit pleased.
and on top of that bit of awesome news, the pro plus did the trick, i lost 5.25lbs this week, which means i'm a quarter pound past the five stone mark!

Hooray! So you are 70 and a quarter pounds down in 4 and a bit months? Staggeringly awesome!
four months and two weeks. i did 21 pounds in the first month and am averaging precisely the average stone a month since then.