Deflating the Bouncy Castle

Thanks guys! I can I was hoping for more variey too! I'd rather knock up real low calorie meal tbh or buy something from M&S in that case!
I was freezing earlier on. Sittin in work listening to my collegues tell me that my diet isnt going to fix anything because even if i get to my idea weight, as soon as I start to eat again I'll pile it all back on.

Not that they think I'll lose the weight. So thats motivation for me.

Sorry, Ive just ranted on your wall! I only wanted to let u know I felt cold too! lol!

Claire tell them to do one! They could be a bit more supportive. It's got nothing to do with them..! People like that infuriate me and your right it does just spur you on to prove them wrong! Xx
I must say the girls at my work place are exactly the same and it is such an incentive lol. I know that at the end of the day I will have the last laugh!!!

Spangles I love the way you've got the next couple of weeks mapped out. I read somewhere that when you write your goals and aims down your half way to achieving them. I know you can do this xx
Spangles, missed you earlier post re the next few weeks and stepping up the plan. I think if you start Zumba and just up the exercise you may lose more than you think you can. I think people's losses slow down when they step up plan without increasing activity. I know when I first did CWP in 2008 and lost 2 stones, I kept up the exercise once I started having food and "maintained" my weight for 3-4 months without gaining. Having food included alcohol! As soon as the exercise routine went my weight started shooting up and I fell back into my old habits.

Keep up the Zumba when you step up plan. Also I think you may come back from New York without any weight gain because of all the walking you will be doing. Also you will be "put off" by some food because of the huge portions. It may just be too overwhelmning with any luck!
I really hope so, Kira - for both things. Obviously, though - i need to plan for, not quite the worst case scenario, but a cautious projection of what might happen.

That said, sometimes even cautious predictions are too optimistic. I haven't weighed for a few days, checked this morning and i'm UP two and a half pounds! wtf? i swear this only ever happens when i stay off the scales - i get a nasty surprise when i come back to them.

i'm not bunged up, i'd had a big wee, i'm not sick and it's not my time of the month. Clutching desperately at straws, I have gone back to work after two weeks off. maybe it's that... :hmm:
Ahh that sucks! How would going back to work cause weight gain lol!? Stress perhaps? I am avoiding scales for 2 weeks you must look at your amazing dedication not the numbers... Although if I'm honest in 2 weeks I'll be expecting the numbers to tell me what I wanna hear!
The scales will budge again have faith in that x x x
It's those wretched fat cells! Adipose (that what it is called) those little things on Dr Who that cling on and won't let go! The fat cells left are hanging on with their lives trying to TRICK you to give it all up!! They are evil little things! They probably hold their breath when you get on the scale making the number that much bigger!

Ok not a scientific theory but how about this - you may have not sweated as much as you usually do...hence scale it up? Either way, it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to have gained FAT as you have been 100%!! So ignore the number on the scales!!
It sounds really weird but if I get up early and weigh myself I'm a bit heavier than if I go back to bed for a couple of hours and weigh myself later in the morning. Maybe you've been weighing earlier in the morning since going back to work? It'll only be water anyway.
Don't worry about those 2 lbs. I am also heavier as soon as I wake up than I am 20 mins later, goodness knows why. But you have been so dedicated that will soon shift.

I think it's because it is January and our bodies are trying to get into hibernating. I know mine is, it makes me cough splutter and sneeze everytime I try to get out of bed. I am drinking so many lemsips that my weight is all over the place.
I love all the theories, espicially Kira's breath-holding adiposes.

btw - look! you can get an adipose stress toy! how cute?


(shame it doesn't come with its own David Tennant, mind...)
If only fat was a cute as that!
Stupid scales. My money's on a momentary change in the earth's gravitational force. Or the moon was in Uranus. ;)

It can't be 'real', that's for sure. Funny how we let a piece of dodgy machinery dictate our state of mind, isn't it? If you'd been down 2 pounds, you wouldn't have been so surprised if your weight had bounced back up 2 pounds the next day, right? It's just the same thing in reverse, really. Water weight. Bah!!
I really hope so, Kira - for both things. Obviously, though - i need to plan for, not quite the worst case scenario, but a cautious projection of what might happen.

That said, sometimes even cautious predictions are too optimistic. I haven't weighed for a few days, checked this morning and i'm UP two and a half pounds! wtf? i swear this only ever happens when i stay off the scales - i get a nasty surprise when i come back to them.

i'm not bunged up, i'd had a big wee, i'm not sick and it's not my time of the month. Clutching desperately at straws, I have gone back to work after two weeks off. maybe it's that... :hmm:

Seriously Doll, it COULD be the cortisol.

It's insane how quicky it can take effect, that also affects ghrelin and leptin and makes you RAVENOUS. I have been there.

I have also found, that sleep, and the quality of it affects my weight dramatically. I can go down 3lbs a night if I get a good sleep, or up 3lbs after some bad ones!
I have also found, that sleep, and the quality of it affects my weight dramatically. I can go down 3lbs a night if I get a good sleep, or up 3lbs after some bad ones!

never thought of that, will try to get some earlier nights in this week now!
yup, been hungry like a motherfunster all week, so the cortisol is definitely out and about.

why-o-why-o-why will no one pay me to stay at home and do internets all day? snot fair!
What is cortisol?

I am bouncing up and down and all around every day since Xmas, just no consistency to the weight loss here at all. Oh well, as long as bounce down is on average more than up, w shave to lose weight overall.
So Inspirational!

Forgive me for leaping in without invitation, but I have just read your whole story and must say that I am soooooo inspired by your willpower. You're one strong lady! Congratulations on your brilliant success through this dieting process.
If you are looking for a sideline, have you thought about writing? you have the most amazing style of telling your story in a straight talking, humorous way - I'd buy your books! :)
Anyway, I'm looking to give CD another shot after three years of piling on the pounds. You've made me think that I CAN do it.
Thanks so much for sharing your remarkable story.

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OMG! Posted early on my diary feeling "down" but barely been on here for 10 mins and I'm smiling! Spangles that adipose photo made me laugh but hey! you have your very own David Tennant don't you!!!!

Shame my adipose doesn't come with a David Tennant or lookalike!