I think i've told this story before, so forgive if i have...
when i was on my way back from honeymoon I contracted salmonella sepsis typhi (aka typhoid). Made for a grim plane journey back, but mostly didn't feel ill until 2 weeks later when I ended up admitted to Kings with a mystery fever and suspected malaria. An-y-way. After i'd been in for a couple of days and the immediate panic had died down, the nurse came round to take my stats. She asked me how much I weighed and i said 'oh, 18, 18and a half stone'. 'Oh no' she said, you won't be anywhere near that, and off she bustled to get her special weighing chair. She got me out of bed and I hopped on the chair, and lo - i think I was something like 18st 10lb. And she was shocked!
The other day when I saw my sisters, we had a bit of a trying on clothes and weighing and measuring sesh. Before we got down to it, I said how I'm still obese but don't look as heavy as I am, and my sister said 'yeah, I've always reckoned I look a stone lighter than I am'. She wasn't talking about that rose-tinted thing we delude ourselves with when we look in the mirror... just when we compare ourselves to people of a similar build and height they tend to weigh less. So perhaps it's a family trait. Anyway, despite having the smallest waist and being more or less comparable in the other stats (biggest boobs, though, tbf

)... I was half a stone heavier - and they'd just had a huge xmas dinner so i had an advantage. So even for my family, it would appear that i'm more than usually *dense* - for want of a less unfortunate word!
Dunno - maybe that's just a load of self-justifying rubbish. Always a possibility...