Deflating the Bouncy Castle

Have you thought about taking some pre-prepped veg in a microwave bag and quickly dinging it without getting in her way? I do that when I go to family meals, normally nobody is using the micro so i'm not being a hindrance :)
ooh - could do that. tis a plan.
It depends if she does traditional Burns supper... which would be haggis, neeps and tatties (turnip and potato) if she is catering for many she may well do other stuff as well. Could you ask her?
Hmm yes, traditional Scottish fare is not overly suitable for this sort of diet. Pity she can't do a Loch Fyne fresh fish supper. Much healthier :)
yeah, but tbf - sod cooking fresh fish for forty people.

husband will ask her.
she always does haggis (veg and proper) neeps and tatties. neither of us can remember if she usually does green veg as well, though. which isn't so bad for me - i've only been to five. husband has been to 33 of them!
Flip, I wouldn't even want to cook beans on toast for 40 people! :eek:
Right. It had to happen eventually. After what, 29? 30 weeks? I am having a little tiny cheat. For my first pack today I had a bar, and right now, for my second pack, I am having ANOTHER bar.

Against the regular background of stress, we're currently having our termly week of career-threatening, no notice, management obervations and scruitny. I had an anxiety attack yesterday. Got up at 3.30am yesterday, and 5am today to work. Not sure I'll get to bed tonight.

AND THEN I'm having my first period since coming our of keto. Son of a beach it hurts! :(. Properly, actually, agonising. Had to keep stopping in my last lesson cos the pain was doubling me over. While my periods were heavier in ketosis, they barely hurt at all. They were painful pre CD, but don't quite remember them being like this.

Which is perhaps because I used to operate in a soporific trance, under a blanket of doughy carbs. And it was the strongest compulsion to eat something soft and heavy just now that lead to my deliberate cheat. No red mist - not a slip-up at all: a calculated decision to break the rules.

I am worried that I won't be able to stop... .But it was still a chance worth taking. I may also have another, completely cheating third pack later, depending on what time I get to leave tonight and how hungry/hurty I am. :(
Mmm. Bloody cortisol.

Anyway, I feel really much better for having it. And it wasn't so nice I want another.

No official weigh in this today but calculating from this morning's weigh-in, I reckon I've STS, which for my first week out of keto, recarbing, glycogen-bumping etc is a honest-to-Jarvis miracle. Obviously, I'd have liked a loss. Those tantalising five pounds are still cruelly elusive. But I came out of keto and I did not gain. Win.
what that lovely lady said!

the best cheat (if there can be such a thing) is another product.
so well done for having a calculated cheat rather than diving into ice-cream head-first!
Be careful not to overdue on the bars. Part of that discomfort may have been the dreaded wind side effect from the CD bars. I can't have them at all. Too much malitol I'm them.

All in all a STS when going out of ketosis is a victory. Yay!
Awh! Spanglelicious! What an awful time but you've done amazingly well not to have a full blown carb cheat. I know you'll be careful.
The extra bars as Mel says, may you windy, give you tummy ache but also at the same time give the runs as well constipate you - all more or less one after the other! I used to have two when I ran and not pleasant side affects!

There is still time for you to get rid of those 5 little b*****s!! I am sure. x
still feeling much better for having it - 4 hours ago - so think i've escaped!
Not so bad having an extra bar. But as others said, gives you terrible wind. I had 2 in a row, and was in agony for hours with trapped wind.

Anyway - sounds like you are still doing amazingly well - go you! :)
Well, I didn't get any sleep last night. Stopped work at 3.15am and tried to get a couple if hours before an early start, but after laying there for 45mins getting increasingly stressed about not sleeping, I thought I might as well get up.

So every term we have a mocksted. The SMT have a week where they can just turn up and do a formal lesson obs. This then counts in performance mangemrnt meetings and a 'satisfactory' grading leads to being managed out of your career, basically (though that's contrary to the Teachers' Pay and Comditions agreement, and our own academy policies...). Anyway, my dept was given a 2 day window, today and tommorrow, when we could be seen. And thank feck, I only had to wait til second lesson today. Now I can relax. And sleep.

The actual lesson wasn't my best work, (a bit old-school, 'chalk-and-talk') but the class were fab and learn really well and I got graded 'good with outstanding features' which since ofsted downgraded all the descriptors in January (so what would have been a 'good' is now a career jeopardising 'satisfactory') is a massive bloody achievement.

Am totally made up. Basically, two months ago that would've been classified as an 'outstanding' lesson. And all that with zero minutes sleep and a painful period. Rah!
Rah indeed!
Woohoo you go wonder woman!
Now you can relax and sleep like a baby tonight! Or be up all night with the excitement haha