Silver Member
P.S. still need to get my head round the super speed foods.......
Mmm Geordie that looks gorgeous, is there enough for left overs, I can pick it up tonight xxx
Meals sound lovely today. Lots of speed too. I gained 1lbxx
Stopped in last night and watched x factor. Had the usual picnic so sensibility went out the window with food and drink but I was better than I normally would be! X factor was rubbish and I might have to stop watching it , its so bad. Cooking a Sunday lunch of roast turkey, will only have a tiny bit stuffing one roastie and one Yorkshire the rest syn free. Had weetabix and fruit for b.
Hello hello, how good is better than normal? Hope you've had a good weekend, we don't watch X-factor, not for any reason I think we just forget & then watch it not knowing what's happened the last two weeks. Hope Sunday dinner was lush xx