Determined to be foxy 42 by 2014! Want to join me?

Went for a walk today at the country park (lovely - got photo of green woodpecker) then back for lunch of scrambled egg &veggie sausages. Decided to go to gym even though had indigestion - big mistake. Was fine for 20 mins but felt dizzy so came home. reckon must have a bug as I'm never like that, rarely get acid & certainly never feel faint! I was soooo whooshy! Easy evening for me now! Hate things like that as hubby wasn't with me like usual & I really freak out - the panic is worse than the actual thing!!! Not sure what to have for dins yet...but nothing too heavy. May meditate to calm myself down and come back to earth!! I need to focus on something exciting (apart from weight loss) as am feeling a bit flat, a bit nothingy if you know what I mean? All a bit of a treadmill at the moment- jan has been very taxing workwise and hardly been out - I do find jan and feb a bit of a downer...
Went for a walk today at the country park (lovely - got photo of green woodpecker) then back for lunch of scrambled egg &veggie sausages. Decided to go to gym even though had indigestion - big mistake. Was fine for 20 mins but felt dizzy so came home. reckon must have a bug as I'm never like that, rarely get acid & certainly never feel faint! I was soooo whooshy! Easy evening for me now! Hate things like that as hubby wasn't with me like usual & I really freak out - the panic is worse than the actual thing!!! Not sure what to have for dins yet...but nothing too heavy. May meditate to calm myself down and come back to earth!! I need to focus on something exciting (apart from weight loss) as am feeling a bit flat, a bit nothingy if you know what I mean? All a bit of a treadmill at the moment- jan has been very taxing workwise and hardly been out - I do find jan and feb a bit of a downer...

Im hearing you Michelle. Was only saying to the hubbs yesterday everything feels a little samey like I've got nothing to look forward to. I'm very good at talking myself into a frame of mind - and it's usually a discouraged negative one lol.

Im wrapped up in bed as I type feeling a bit achey and on the verge of a cold. You have been doing a lot of exercise lately and the weathers been up and down like a bungee plus you're on a diet so maybe we are both at that point in diet world where the body just kicks off and says that's enough!!.. Mind you I've not exercised or done anything remotely taxing or stressing this week I think Im just a big wimp :D

hope you feel better soon love :) xxx
And you too. Feeling bit better already except for washing machine tum! Got up in the night last weds and had a lemsip & Thursday and Friday had headache so just a bit low i think. i tend not o get ill - just feel bit weird while i fight things off. i have decided to put £1 per lb in a pot and asked Duncan to do it too so we can have lovely night away. Need something to rev me up!!
That's a brilliant idea!! I think I might start that myself :) I've actually started a treat box and its got sweets and choc in there that's no more than 5 syns per item. Asda are good for having those little pick and mix type sweet things and I've noticed they do little freddos and mini 99 flakes and mini milky bars so along with far too many pink and whites I've got a few sweeties and choc treats.

I've got three savings tins on the go for Christmas. The type that need to be opened by a tin opener. I always go to the change machine on the way out of Asda and get £10 worth of £1 coins and they go in the tin every week plus loose change though the week but I'm gonna start my own tin now :) xxx
Just think how much if we keep going! Duncan is planning to lose 16lbs so that's £32. I'd like to lose 3 stone 6 minimum- so that's £96 between us - £128 altogether. Actually I might do £2 per lb to make it really beefy- thatd be £176 - then when I'm 11 stone 7 we can put it towards a hotel or a break or a real treat so I can show off my 'new body'!!
That's some serious incentive right there! I'm defo going to do it now to get to my ideal weight I'd have to lose over 7 and a half stones - I know that's never gonna happen but I know realistically I could get to 12 stone I would be over the moon with that so I could in essence save over £70!!!!!! :eek::D:) xx
Walked 2.5km at lunchtime brrrrrr!! So want to see the 13s soon but a good few weeks to go- suddenly really desperate for that!
Thanks!! My loss is 2 lbs. I'm happy (ish) with this. Just a bit shocked as had lost more by Saturday but that's the way the scan bran crumbles!! It's 7.5 in total so I get my half stone which is good but does mean I've slipped below my hoped for 2lb average still that is quite hopeful for me and 1.5 is probably more realistic. Still hoping for that big loss week and will keep plugging away!! I'm over half a stone lighter and that's good- in 4 weeks that could be a stone and that's make me sooooo happy as I'd be in the 13s!! Am putting in place some sneaky tweaks- lots more fruit and veg, eat dinner at night before 8, drink much more water and have been given a soup recipe that is meant to practically guarantee a good loss so here we go on another 100% week!! Yipppppeeeeee slimcea world here i come!!
Oh and for lous 100% quarter way check point that makes approx 2 stone in the 100 days. That'd be so great!

That's brill well done :)

2lb is good, and its even better if it adds up to 2 stone in the 100 days! That's 7 stone in a year, and that's really good so don't be too hard on yourself.

I have learned that the longer the journey takes, the more you learn along the way. You'll get there eventually and it won't feel like the lifetime it's taking now, it'll feel like a blip and you'll be so glad you stuck with it.

A tip - try eating tea before 7 and nothing at all after 7, for a week. I find if I do that , my losses are bigger compared to eating the same cals but later in the day.

Hope you have a good day :) xx

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That's brill well done :)

2lb is good, and its even better if it adds up to 2 stone in the 100 days! That's 7 stone in a year, and that's really good so don't be too hard on yourself.

I have learned that the longer the journey takes, the more you learn along the way. You'll get there eventually and it won't feel like the lifetime it's taking now, it'll feel like a blip and you'll be so glad you stuck with it.

A tip - try eating tea before 7 and nothing at all after 7, for a week. I find if I do that , my losses are bigger compared to eating the same cals but later in the day.

Hope you have a good day :) xx

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Thanks. Isn't your wi today? I wanted to put 7 but as I don't get home til 6 and then go to gym it's tricky to get it in that early but I will def make it as early as possible as I am lying in bed still full up with my 9 o'clock dinner and that's not going to help it all burn off nice and quickly! 7 stone!!! Wow!
Thanks. Isn't your wi today? I wanted to put 7 but as I don't get home til 6 and then go to gym it's tricky to get it in that early but I will def make it as early as possible as I am lying in bed still full up with my 9 o'clock dinner and that's not going to help it all burn off nice and quickly! 7 stone!!! Wow!

I weigh on a Friday. I uhmmed and ahhd about what day and I played around with days but found that a Friday weigh in suits me better. I can relax a bit on the weekend with joe and Dunc home and not be a diet bore in front of them. Then on weekdays when I'm alone I can bore myself all I want :) it works for me :D
I lost 3.7lbs last week. Hoping for 3 this week to get to 50 lbs off before my bday!

I'd best get dieting :)


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I am at my desk and I am in the foulest mood. Not sure why just have that almost uncontrollable urge to shout and lash out and no it's not pmt. I feel really tired and just want to go home!! My hubby has really annoyed me by leaving it til today to order the worktop we need to finish the kitchen. This means that I will have to arrange another day away from work to be there for delivery and it won't be there for the weekend we were going to finish everything off grrrrrr!!!! I felt murderous before he told me this. i am so on the edge - having a coffee to make it worse!!! As im in hr everyone had better be well behaved today or they'll be well and truly kicked to the kerb haha!!!
I am at my desk and I am in the foulest mood. Not sure why just have that almost uncontrollable urge to shout and lash out and no it's not pmt. I feel really tired and just want to go home!! My hubby has really annoyed me by leaving it til today to order the worktop we need to finish the kitchen. This means that I will have to arrange another day away from work to be there for delivery and it won't be there for the weekend we were going to finish everything off grrrrrr!!!! I felt murderous before he told me this. i am so on the edge - having a coffee to make it worse!!! As im in hr everyone had better be well behaved today or they'll be well and truly kicked to the kerb haha!!!

Here is a picture of a cute animal to cheer you up :D


Hope your mood improves! Xx

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Thanks!! My loss is 2 lbs. I'm happy (ish) with this. Just a bit shocked as had lost more by Saturday but that's the way the scan bran crumbles!! It's 7.5 in total so I get my half stone which is good but does mean I've slipped below my hoped for 2lb average still that is quite hopeful for me and 1.5 is probably more realistic. Still hoping for that big loss week and will keep plugging away!! I'm over half a stone lighter and that's good- in 4 weeks that could be a stone and that's make me sooooo happy as I'd be in the 13s!! Am putting in place some sneaky tweaks- lots more fruit and veg, eat dinner at night before 8, drink much more water and have been given a soup recipe that is meant to practically guarantee a good loss so here we go on another 100% week!! Yipppppeeeeee slimcea world here i come!!

Well done! :) I weighed what I weigh now last Saturday (have found where hubbs hides the scales for me) :) I think I'm defo going to eat less free food this week , especially fruit because most times I'm actually eating it for the sake of it because I'm craving sweet stuff and I'm not in the slightest bit hungry either and too much fruit and veg doesn't make you very socially accepted either :eek::D I need to drink more fluid other than tea and coffee and I don't think I drink enough of that because I've always got milk left over from my hexA.

Another week looms - onwards and downwards for us again missus :) xxx
Thanks for the bunny Lou! My mood has indeed lifted a tad. Work, m&s for fruit treats, home, gym ( where I panicked again oops), dinner before 8 (just) and now toddling to a friends for an hour or so. When I return I will be attempting day2 of 30 day shred... Maybe!! Bought a bag of m&s mini eggs thinking as its weigh in day I could eat my 14 remaining syns in one go and the teeny tiny packet is 25.5! Wow! So giving it away and a curly surly will suffice!

As you say Lisa, our brave quest for the kingdom of slim continues unabated. I will dream for the 4lb loss I crave & think of all the nice stuff I want to wear when I don't look like a shot putter!
Well done Michelle. .. way to represent!!!
Why thank you. Am on train to London for 2 meetings - what a drag. Was up last Friday, today & this Friday plus next Friday grrrrr hate it. If I wanted to work in London I'd get a job up there with a bigger salary!! All my food in a little bag has to come with me & I will eat all through the first meeting in the hope they won't ask me again!!

Am happy as can be today as the horrid tum feeling has gone. Cut out quorn and drank even more water and eat lots of veg and yippee I'm feeling fine and dandy! Think I needed to up the superfree so I will continue in this vein and we shall see whether it brings results next week.