Silver Member
Why thank you. Am on train to London for 2 meetings - what a drag. Was up last Friday, today & this Friday plus next Friday grrrrr hate it. If I wanted to work in London I'd get a job up there with a bigger salary!! All my food in a little bag has to come with me & I will eat all through the first meeting in the hope they won't ask me again!!
Am happy as can be today as the horrid tum feeling has gone. Cut out quorn and drank even more water and eat lots of veg and yippee I'm feeling fine and dandy! Think I needed to up the superfree so I will continue in this vein and we shall see whether it brings results next week.
I used to live and work in London - not for me I'm afraid, stress city 24 hr rush,rush,rush! thanks.
You do so well to plan and prepare in advance - I would just use it has an excuse to have subway for lunch and eat chocolate and crisps and drink lattes for all of the journey
So what yummies did you take with you to snack upon, and was it enough?.
Ive never thought of Quorn the reason for my bloat because I do get it and heartburn and I eat Quorn a lot, maybe once I start eating more meat I may see a difference.
Hope all goes well in Laaaaanden Tayyyynnn and you've had a good day so far
P.S: love the pic
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