Diary of a boredom eater....this is my story.

Id say you have a right to be pissed off & upset by that as you can only see him set days, you must miss him so much :(

Today we have rain, but in the plus side I put on my size 14 jacket, which has always been tight on me and omg I can move in it, was always very tight around my shoulders and arms! So happy!

I'm not being strict with the shakes tbh If I'm extra hungry I might have some soup or a salad. Xxxxx
Today we have rain, but in the plus side I put on my size 14 jacket, which has always been tight on me and omg I can move in it, was always very tight around my shoulders and arms! So happy! I'm not being strict with the shakes tbh If I'm extra hungry I might have some soup or a salad. Xxxxx