Silver Member
Hazykay said:I had open surgery last Wednesday. I had a hernia op 2 years ago & that was something else, but this time round, it wasn't bad. Down side about planned op is you know when it's going to happen & I was getting myself worked up, but there was no need.
Last week the surgeon cut from the end of my c section up towards my hip bone so it wasn't as painful as last one. Last op they cut me from belly button right down to c section & I've got a huge scar so I was expecting the same this time. It was a lot easier this time & I got myself into a tizz for nothing. Honestly hun, you will be fine. Groggy when you come out of surgery but that's to be expected. The body is a wonderful machine & recovers quickly. What kept me going was knowing I would be pain free after the op & it will be worth it in the long run.
Good luck hun, keep me posted & let me know how you're feeling nearer the time & how the op goes xx
Aww thank you for the quick reply
But he's said he's a bit of work too do on my baby making bits & might need to do the laparotomy to get a better view so we will see.
Hopefully it's the easier option, I'm pleased your recovering well, & of course I'll let you know how it all goes.
Thank you xx