Hi folks - thanks for your replies, they really are appreciated x
I've been struggling quite a bit tbh. I'm finding I can't stop snacking. I've ordered a self-help book which I'm hoping can help me as I definitely have a binge eating problem in the evenings and I don't know how to fix it. I'm not sure why I do it.... sometimes it makes me feel almost high when I'm binging.
I always justify it. Like "you can start tomorrow" or "you've had a stressful day" or "it's a bit hot so you can have a snack to keep your energy up".
I didn't know how to update my diary here. I felt like posting about my binging was shameful and embarrassing. But decided to update today as it's all part of trying to get better and I need to be honest with myself and not pretend it's going ok.
It's thankfully not a total disaster yet though - my weight has, by some miracle, remained the same. It hasn't gone down but it hasn't gone up which I'm SO thankful for - probably cos I've kept up my walking. I'm doing 3 miles every morning.
My routine right now is:
Morning walk (3 miles)
9am - shake (or exante cereal)
1pm - shake
6pm - shake
6.30pm onwards - graze on snacks (biscuits, crisps, pieces of chocolate, cheese etc)
Sometimes I halve the packs to spread them out a little but no matter what I do, when the evening comes I can't seem to resist the snacks. I'm good until about 6 or 7pm... then the binging strikes.
My OH is supposed to be dieting too (not exante) but he's just not into it at all so there's always snacks around. We talk about it a lot, about how we'll be better at sticking to our diets tomorrow etc. But I sort of lose my way when I see he's eating junk for every single meal. We went on holiday earlier this year and there were certain things, like walks up a steep hill to a beautiful picturesque spot that I wanted to see, that he just can't physically manage cos of his weight (actually, I think he could manage them but laziness/lack of energy might be playing a part too!). In short, we're supposed to be going away next year on the trip of a lifetime and I don't want to miss out on stuff cos he can't stop eating pies! I guess that upsets me and I feel a little "urgh what's the point" about it all. Like if my weight stopped us doing stuff as a couple, I'd be gutted that I'd imposed that on him. We could totally tackle our weight/food problems together as a team and, I dunno, I suppose that's upsetting me more than I'm aware of.
I'm trying to find the strength to just focus on me and I'm hoping the self-help book arrives today and I can get to the bottom of my binging and figure out how to stop it.
I have set myself 1 goal - to not binge today. I don't know how I'm going to achieve that when 6pm onwards comes, but I swear I am having just 3 shakes and nothing else today. I. CAN. DO. THIS.
Any former bingers out there who have any advice about overcoming the compulsion to scoff? x