Oh Annie! :gen126:
I understand, truly I do. Why? Because I've done the same thing!
I am sitting here now looking at 10 bags of clothes, waiting for the charity shop pick up tomorrow. This is on top of the 7 bags that went last week
Like you, I kept everything. Perhaps in some imagined hope I would wear them again. I had everything from size 10 to 24.
The reality is, it is all out of style now, or faded or just wrong.
It is tough to make a start, I know.
........but, when you start filling up those bags and letting them go - oh what a liberating feeling. It was like throwing out my old life as well as the clothes!
I have kept just a few 'in between ' sizes to tide me over until I reach goal weight.
Then I plan to buy a whole new wardrobe - just a few, classic items. All the same size, hanging neatly, colour coordinated and most of all worn on a regular basis! this is instead of the massed jumble of stuff I had - not even clothes I particularly liked, just buying whatever fitted.
I know this sounds a massive task, not to mention costly - but by putting money aside each week ( I 'pay' myself for each pound lost ) it's amazing how quickly it adds up.
....Then think of the retail therapy to be had!
You are doing fantastically well. This is a journey though, and every journey has forks in the road. You as a person are changing, as well as your body. Emotional ups and downs go with the territory.
Now, dry those tears
Onwards and downwards we go, together!
Take good care x[/QUOTE]
Thanks Darcy. Know I'm being daft but still quite emotional. Hubby ALWAYS phones before coming home from work but for whatever reason didn't tonight - so came home to find a very soggy and emotional wife........and no dinner in the oven!
He patched me up and made me go to choir practice as I wasn't going to go. He always knows what is good for me, as a good belt out of our songs has cheered me up a bit.
Still not ventured upstairs....... But put the roll of black bags on the stairs for clear out tomorrow!!
I'm not wobbling on Exante at all and been fine with that all day. Meeting a pal tomorrow for tea so be a WS day with a prawn salad.......who knew salad could be so tasty!!
Thanks againxx