Good day so far. Lost 600g!!!!!! It's amazing what losing just a little weight can do for one's confidence.
Had 2 eggs for brekkie.
Half a tin of tuna with mayo and some green pepper for lunch. Followed by a handful of dried soya beans.
I came home from little one's messy play session and my other half, who's working from home today, offered to take DD to the park this afternoon so that I can have some time to myself.
Great! There's a catch tho (isn't there always with something that sounds too good to be true?). I have to take DD to her pyjama party this evening, something my other half usually does cos I'm not very find of the person who does them. She has a tendency of taking over your parenting, seriously!
So it will be watching my tongue tonight in lieu of a few hours break this afternoon. Oh well...
I hope all is well with all you peeps today.