Purpled said:Daisy you don't like cooking lots do you???
My pastry is always hit and miss!!! Shop bought is okay but thy put a lot of chemicals in it. Freaks me out!
bulldogdaisy said:Lol what you trying to say ;0)
nessa123 said:Haha this made me laugh!!!
Purpled said:Daisy you don't like cooking lots do you???
My pastry is always hit and miss!!! Shop bought is okay but thy put a lot of chemicals in it. Freaks me out!
Purpled said:Sorry if I upset you! It really wasn't intended that way at all! I just got the impression you don't like cooking things from scratch. Sorry if I got that wrong. I hate cooking things from scratch. I'm far too lazy and don't have enough time. I try and do batches when I get time. I have my fair share of microwave meals and ready made foods. Sorry if I offended you, I don't really know what else to say cos its hard to explain it when I never intended it to be taken that way.
bulldogdaisy said:Oh and sorry for going on,on your diary Sam lol..hope wi went well :0)
bulldogdaisy said:Ok I have to comment as this has been bugging me since I read it! I've never been a confident person and in fact it took me till 2009 when I first did WW to gain any confidence with cooking from scratch! so since starting again I've tried new things and I hope in time I will try cooking more and more..yes something I do cheat on things like sauces but I don't drink or smoke so I guess some food chemicals are allowed! Am sure you didn't mean anything by your comment but it did upset me!
nessa123 said:Hugs daisy xxx