B's lovely lady
Gold Member
bugsbunny2000 said:I think it's normal to fall back into bad habits though. I find if i've had an 'off day' i'll then continue to have off days. My OH doesn't really eat veg and is a picky eater so I find unless i've planned a meal for us both, i'll fall back into ''oh lets just have a pizza/mcdonalds/fish & chips" vicious cycle! I start my PGCE next week so im hoping that being super organised with that will keep me super organised with my food planning too lol i can only hope!!
Yeah I get the cushy part of the deal lol OH is on the flight back from NY as we speak, looking forward to having him back for the weekend. Vegas was brilliant, would highly recommend it. I really want to go to NY, but OH goes there at least twice a month with work I think he's prob sick of it now haha! Ah well, sure I can twist his arm
PS. Start 30 day shred tomorrow.. don't give yourself that extra day to put it offxx
Good luck with your PGCE - im sure if you get yourself organised you'll have the diet sorted!!
Get him to take you to NY!!! I love it, even if you just go on a night stop with him, it's such an amazing city!!! I don't really like America that much but new York I love!!!
I'm afraid to say I've put off 30DS until tomorrow.... Landed into jo'burg at 11am today and slept until 3, I am way too tired to do it now all jet lagged... Will def do it tomorrow!!! Xxx