haha, Glad its not just me Jellibabe!
These things are in some ways hard to admit, but once its mentioned and a laugh is had its much easier I think! and why not laugh at our bodies? Big or small they are amazing things, carry us through life, take us all the places we choose to go and so on. Best to just enjoy and make the most of it!
Having said all that I've sort of had a shitty day. My daughter and I fell out rather dramatically and I'm struggling to let it go. Sometimes I don't feel like I am a nice person.... she is 7, but she knows how to behave, she has ruined my day and I want to make her suffer. She's had her punishment of course, she's had money taken from her reward jar, and no TV this evening, and I won't actually inflict any further suffering...... but I want to, Does that make me bad?
Just to put things into perspective we're not just talking about a little naughty like arguing over which jacket or something... we're talking..... arguing (repeatedly), lying (0nce), trying to walk away from me in a busy city, and then (because she'd walked away and lost my trust) refusing to hold my hand, and then - because of that I held her wrist, followed by about 20 mins of her crying and wriggling and getting more angry (I told her she had 2 choices either hold my hand OR I was holding her wrist she has to re-earn the trust to walk freely) followed by her being so frustrated she hit me twice wanting me to let her go (hitting certainly isn't normal here) followed by tantrum like a 3 yr old in the lift, followed by all sorts of shouting and blaming of mother in the car! She IS prone to arguing, but not the rest of it.
The reason I am so angry is that we set off, in order to use her book token and buy a birthday present for my OH all of which we did, I also picked up mothers days cards and pressies as well. I also decided that it would be nice to surprise her and take her to buy a dress to wear for when we get married later in the year. So we did that, picked up a really pretty dress from the monsoon kids section and she was so happy with it! really pretty. Anyway I just wanted it to be a nice memory for both of us (I place a lot of value in making nice memories) and for her to feel special and valued and not pushed out of things like a lot of kids do when there is a new marriage happening. I just feel like its all been spoiled now, its not the day we bought a little bridesmaid dress, its the day she turned evil in town.
I just feel like I try so hard to make things right for her, we've had some hard stuff to deal with but I've always, always tried to do right by her. Days like this I just feel its all thrown back in my face and I wonder what the point is? I love her, so much I really do, but what am I supposed to do? In some ways I'm making her seem worse than she perhaps is, she has many many good points, but I'm sick of the arguing. I'm sick of her behaving like a spoilt brat and not appreciating things. She was spoilt due to circumstances from the age of about 2-3, but I put a stop to it then, but she's 7 now and not been spoilt since, shouldn't she be different now? She's been through a lot, and so many changes in her young life I try to remember that and be understanding, but there are times I just feel like I'm banging my head against a wall. I am at ease with my own life experience and happy with my life but I just feel like I'm failing with her.
I understand we're just having a bad day, tomorrow, maybe even later today I will be able to look at the bigger picture again and list everything that is good about her, but for the moment I am just so angry! Angry that she's had more than most kids to deal with, angry that I've probably made some wrong choices, angry that I can't handle her better, and angry at her, for not behaving like the good person I know she can be.
OK that probably won't make sense to most of you, you can't imagine the changes we've been through if I don't list them, so later if I have time, I'll type a little of our past and perhaps it will be therapeutic, and help anyone understand what I mean.
for now, I will return to the loopy child. bedtime is, thankfully, imminent!