Diary of laurenmay... prepare for some whinging!!

If it were me going for an Italian then I'd eat all the lasagne and garlic bread I could manage!! Hope you have a good time :)

I just realised that I don't have enough CD products to get me through till next weigh in next Thursday evening.. I forgot I'd bloody weighed a day early so I'm a day short product wise & don't have any spare cash to get a few more... Oooops! Do I just stick to a healthy Atkins style diet today & then start CD properly tomorrow? I'd rather that than run out the day before weigh in and have to not stick to CD then!!!

- sent from my iPhone. "No one said it would be easy, they just said it'd be worth it.."
I bought 3 for each day, so 21 in total.. I can't afford to buy 4 a day. I've already used 2 today, so worked out that I'll run out by Wednesday leaving me with no products for Thursday.. and I have to be up 5am Thursday for work & my WI isn't till 4pm and I can't go the whole day without anything!

- sent from my iPhone. "No one said it would be easy, they just said it'd be worth it.."
Maybe, I'll work something out :)

How much weight do you reckon I could lose in 5 weeks on CD SS+?

- sent from my iPhone. "No one said it would be easy, they just said it'd be worth it.."
I really wanna try and shift a stone & a half, fingers crossed!

- sent from my iPhone. "No one said it would be easy, they just said it'd be worth it.."
Drunk Tinkerbell said:
I'm going away in 5 weeks and I'd love to lose a stone by then! I'll be 10.7!!!

start - 12.2 current - 11.12 target 9.7

I've got 5 weeks to a big event too & I really wanna try and get down to 10.7 by then! But really doubting I'll be able to..

- sent from my iPhone. "No one said it would be easy, they just said it'd be worth it.."
What's your start weight, current weight and height? Mine is 12.2, 11.12 (but weighing in tonight) and 5ft 4 :)

start - 12.2 current - 11.12 target 9.7
Drunk Tinkerbell said:
What's your start weight, current weight and height? Mine is 12.2, 11.12 (but weighing in tonight) and 5ft 4 :)

start - 12.2 current - 11.12 target 9.7

12.5... 11.13 and 5ft 3 :)

Usually 9.7-10st but got real lazy & greedy the past few months!!

- sent from my iPhone. "No one said it would be easy, they just said it'd be worth it.."
Drunk Tinkerbell said:
Cool, we're around the same. We can help motivate each other!

start - 12.2 current - 11.12 target 9.7

Yeah we can! Our 5 week countdown to 10.7 starts tomorrow, exciting!

- sent from my iPhone. "No one said it would be easy, they just said it'd be worth it.."
Perfect. I'm weighing in this evening and then hubby and I are getting an Indian so a goal from tomorrow sounds great! I'd love to be 10.7 when i go on holiday to Spain (5 weeks). My uncle will be there and he always goes on about my weight!

start - 12.2 current - 11.12 target 9.7
Drunk Tinkerbell said:
Perfect. I'm weighing in this evening and then hubby and I are getting an Indian so a goal from tomorrow sounds great! I'd love to be 10.7 when i go on holiday to Spain (5 weeks). My uncle will be there and he always goes on about my weight!

start - 12.2 current - 11.12 target 9.7

Oooooo enjoy your Indian! You deserve a treat! I'm sure that if we're both 100% from tomorrow onwards for 5 weeks that you'll definitely be down to 10.7 and I may be close... Men are so insensitive about women's weight I find!

- sent from my iPhone. "No one said it would be easy, they just said it'd be worth it.."
I already know exactly what I'm going to order. I'm not going to wreck what I've done. I'm going to have a chicken tikka with salad, a couple of spoons of masala sauce on the side, mushroom bhaji and one poppodom. Hopefully I'll stay in ketosis but it not I know I'll get back into ketosis quickly tomorrow :)
Mmmmm my weigh in can't come soon enough!!!

start - 12.2 current - 11.12 target 9.7
Drunk Tinkerbell said:
I already know exactly what I'm going to order. I'm not going to wreck what I've done. I'm going to have a chicken tikka with salad, a couple of spoons of masala sauce on the side, mushroom bhaji and one poppodom. Hopefully I'll stay in ketosis but it not I know I'll get back into ketosis quickly tomorrow :)
Mmmmm my weigh in can't come soon enough!!!

start - 12.2 current - 11.12 target 9.7

I'm not a fan of spicy things so never been one for Indian! Only had one once at the end of my pregnancy in a desperate attempt to get the baby out! Lol.. Let me know how your weigh in goes ASAP! :)

My CDC gave me two bars last week to try, and I really don't like them at all.. I thought they'd be lovely after what I heard people say on here but their awful!

- sent from my iPhone. "No one said it would be easy, they just said it'd be worth it.."
Oh no!!! I was going to buy a bar for every day! Think I might buy one each of the different flavours and that's it.

My weigh in is at 6.30 so will be on here at 7ish. By my scales it's another 4lbs and my scales were accurate last week x

start - 12.2 current - 11.12 target 9.7
Drunk Tinkerbell said:
Oh no!!! I was going to buy a bar for every day! Think I might buy one each of the different flavours and that's it.

My weigh in is at 6.30 so will be on here at 7ish. By my scales it's another 4lbs and my scales were accurate last week x

start - 12.2 current - 11.12 target 9.7

I only tried the chocolate mint bars cause they were the ones everyone raved on about.. and their bloody awful! So chewy & just bland.. Be cheeky and ask your CDC for a free sample of one or two! Try before you buy as they say..

I feel like a whale this evening.. Just had a shower & can't bare to catch sight of myself naked! :( everything is lumpy & bumpy and flabby and disgusting. My pyjamas are even getting tight now so it's beyond depressing!!

- sent from my iPhone. "No one said it would be easy, they just said it'd be worth it.."