Actually today is week.3 day 5 not yesterday as i get weighed on day 7 doh! Well i know i shouldn't but got in scales showing a 2lb loss from last weeks weigh in but im naked and its early and I've not drank water etc. Surely today n tomorrow can rectify my 2 bad days last week (Fri and sat) there will be lots of water and more water today i used to think 2.25 litres was loads as only ever had a drink with meals before but i reckon i can up to 3 litres from today. Got an app on my phone reminding me n i drink 250ml a time so that's 12 glasses a day as opposed to the 9 ! Wish me luck i cant go bk to work so overweight as i have no clothes n still look 5 months pregnant! ....Danny bk at work till Friday so no sitting in with a serial eater! Early nights n gonna try have all my food by 6 so all my calories are expended thru the night!