Diary Transfer

22kgs in 8 weeks is fantastic! :woohoo:

Well done👏👏👏

I can really see the difference in your before and after photos👍
Ok, so Cambridge steps and food lists coming up!

I think I will do a week of exante 800 with 3 products and a meal t get me to 12 weeks on VLCD and then I will do 2-3 weeks on CD step 3 and see how the losses are and how I feel. Would be able to exercise more on that step, not that my health allows me to do a massive deal. Am being referred for autonomic nervous system testing as I appear to be glitchy, had letter today! Anywhoooooo

The Steps

The food list for step 2 (or their version of exante 800 w/meal)





And the food lists for step 3 and above.




apparently can only attach 10... 2 left on next post


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When I did cambridge before I would always use quorn because you were allowed more food for your calories. In hindsight that didnt really help me with the eat as much food as I can mentality so I might rethink that this time. Although, I was probably thinking i'd go back to being vegan after i'd finished, or at least veggie so perhaps i'll stick with quorn and spread my allowance out more. Cant remember if I have written about it or not yet but I also have decided that for maintenance I am going to do a medley of intermittent fasting - The 5:2 and the 8:16 (or 16:8?). The first is where you eat well and healthily for 5 days a week but for two you eat a VLCD. The second is where you eat only in an 8 hour window, but there aren't really any other rules. I almost do this with my products anyway, starting at 7am and stopping with the last by 5pm. It's meant to be really good for insulin levels and lots of other health benefits (intermittent fasting). My combination plan is to make my own haha. For 5 days a week I will follow 8:16 and eat very healthily, and for 2 days a week I will be allowed to eat outside of the 8 hour window, and will still eat 80% healthy on those 2 days. This is because I would like to be able to have a takeaway occasionally, or to just not be constantly super restricted, or to go for a dinner out with friends, maybe have a bit of wine, seeing as I haven't been able to go out for 3 years with this toddler being about and being a lone parent!! So that is my plan anyway. It might not work, it might be a terrible plan, but it feels like enough structure to keep on track but not so much and so militant that its not achievable for maintenance, AKA forever life! Hoping that all of this habit adjustment, mind awareness and emotional observation will pay off at those later stages. If I can just transfer my ability to stay on track to 'real food' often, then it'll be a winner!
Interesting plan and it really sounds doable too. The odd takeaway and meal out can be accounted for by maybe making it your only 'real' meal of the day and it would be easy to get rid of a tiny gain anyway.

It's interesting seeing the CD food lists too but there's nothing really surprising on it. I don't have a maintenance plan as yet but my friend who has been maintaining for nearly a year, still has two products a day at work and a healthy lowish carb meal in the evening. One takeaway and a Sunday dinner along with a maximum of two alcoholic drinks a night at the weekend. I think something like this would work for me as when we're all back to normal, during a normal month I spend about a third of my working time in the office, a third at home and a third away from home, so staying in hotels.

I was vegetarian for years and only started eating fish again while I was pregnant, I do eat meat now (at least I did) but only chicken and only if it smells or looks right. I'd much rather have quorn products. I could quite happily become veggie if another person in the household would join me. Then by default the remaining person would have to be too as I do all the cooking 😂
Ahhh I don’t think I’ll be doing that haha. I don’t want to feel that restricted and worried about everything I eat, I just want to learn and sense my way to maintaining overall month by month. I don’t want to feel like I’m not living normally and having products forever once I’ve ‘finished’ if that makes sense? Like a forever diet instead of a new lifestyle. Maybe that’s the only way it works though, like your friend is doing?

I feel like eating within 8 hours a day but well /healthy is a quite natural way to eat, but know if I don’t have some structure for a bit more occasional freedom then that is the best of both words. Dunno!! It’s a way off yet anyway hahaha.

yeah I was sane with pregnancy, that’s when I stopped being vegan, then mydaughter was allergic to dairy and eggs so I just went back to vegan for a while but started feeling ill. In hindsight it wasn’t that though 😂
Ooo unlimited tabasco! How yummy! Ha!
I had my first proper falter today. I've been baking freezable snacks for my daughter and today it was brownies and I messed them up. Without thinking I ate a bit to see if it was feedable/freezeable for her. Then as soon as I realsied what i'd done, rather than stopping I had another mouthful. I remember the first time I did cambridge actually wanting to make myself sick when something like this happened and I didnt stay on the diet much longer because I was worried I was going to give myself an eating disorder!!

So instead of chastising myself, or of calling it cheating,... I withdraw my word falter and rename it a new learning curve. I didn't follow my plan, but that doesn't mean I need to derail my plan!! I might fall out of ketosis, but I can easily fall back in. I might be lucky and stay or go straight back in, or I might have to wait a few days and have the side effects... however.. there will be times in life where I perhaps over indulge in the week and one occasion of doing it doesnt need to be the beginning of the end. I really must learn moderation... the grey between the black and white. I've always been able to do the extremes but the balance is a struggle.

If theres one vital thing I have learned about trying to make positive changes in my life... its that 'failing' is the most important part, because retrying is how you succeed. Its when you give up thats the hardest. And you give up when your self talk becomes self deprecating and uncompassionate. So this mini essay is my reminder to myself to be kind and to get back on track :) You have to work to retrain your self worth and habits, treating it as delicate like a small child until its stronger.... no child needs to be shamed. We all just need our own love, I guess!
Great positive attitude @FaeFaeFiFi it is but a blip and you're moving on from it.

Its second nature to taste the food we've prepared (even if we won't be eating it) and you've done amazingly well not to have done it before now. And leftovers? stopping it from going to waste, yep absentmindedly or not, we've all done that too. A learning curve indeed, covering said leftovers in washing up liquid, or putting it straight in the bin helps.

Onwards and back to it. Do you have any plans for the weekend? 🙂
Yup indeed!! I’ve been alright with leftovers. And there have been many with a toddler haha. They go straight in the food bin when she’s done. It made me realise how much food I ate that wasn’t even my food haha. Yup, onwards and upwards haha :)

no real plans no. I need to rest a bit after intense couple of weeks but I keep finding stuff to do haha. Maybe we’ll do some messy play or crafts or something tomorrow. Need to move onto the garden work next but I can’t be in the heat much so limited times I can do that haha

how about you?
No real plans for us either, it looks like it might rain here at any moment. This is good though as the garden could do with it. I've just done all the vacuuming and washing, so I'm going to put my feet up for a bit then maybe go for a walk later, if its cool enough.

Enjoy your rest time x
Walk would be nice. Daughter is potty training at the mo. She’s been butt naked for weeks now but any pants or nappy she will pee in. Without she takes herself off and goes to toilet in the right place. Discovered a few days ago that commando + leggings is fine and she will pull them down. We haven’t been for a walk without nappy pants yet so dunno whether to give her a few more garden days before we go farther lol
Walk would be nice. Daughter is potty training at the mo. She’s been butt naked for weeks now but any pants or nappy she will pee in. Without she takes herself off and goes to toilet in the right place. Discovered a few days ago that commando + leggings is fine and she will pull them down. We haven’t been for a walk without nappy pants yet so dunno whether to give her a few more garden days before we go farther lol
I always pop back in here to see your updates and how you're getting on. You're doing brilliantly - you are a few weeks ahead of me. Feeling potty training pain here, but sounds like it's going in the right direction for you - I was so sure lockdown would be the time we cracked it! I've got another 1-1.5 stone to go until I start on the next steps. I'd like to get to the stage where I'm doing 5:2 in the long run, but those 2 days I'll do sole source. I want to be able to go out for meals and have a glass or two in the garden and not have to worry. I need to up my exercise before coming off this though. We're doing daily walks with our toddler but I need some toning/ HIIT I think. . As a 2 stone mark party I had a day off yesterday (nothing too drastic) - strangely enough it didn't kick me out of ketosis - I deserved to be! Back on it today though. Last 1.5st here I come. Have you got an idea of what you're aiming for before you start going up the steps? Be great if you decided stay on here through maintaining as you've been inspiring me throughout own weight-loss :)
Hey Sophia, good to hear from you again :-D Potty training is a bit rough isnt it haha. We seem to have cracked it now i've abandoned pants entirely haha. Still haven't been for a walk yet. Have been in the garden. Might try tomorrow. :) Ohhh 5:2 sounds like a good idea yes, I will definitely do something like that I think. Will see what fits life the best. You don't have much left to lose at all then. 1.5 stone will fly off you. I've not really got a goal for what I want to be before I increase calories. I'm just planning to do it at 12ish weeks and see how the losses and self awareness/control are at that point. Another stone would be nice in the last 3 weeks. More would be nicer haha. Make sure you're on step 3 or above before you do anything more than walking, or that you're eating back the calories you burn (which defeats the point, better to go up to step three haha). Glad your body kept you in ketosis. I seem to still be but sometimes takes a day or so to show but fingers cross i'm alright. So be it if not lol. I will probably stay a while for maintaining, though I am a way off that so far. I want to lose another 3 1/2 stone I think. That'll put me around 12 stone ish, though I want to measure in KGs from now on so I shouldnt even be mentioning stone haha. 75-80 kg ish I think it is. Last time I weighed I was 102. Good luck and well done on your 2 stone!!! :D
Hi - don't worry about your learning curve! The moderation aspect, for me, is the hardest part of losing weight. You cannot diet forever but need to realise that control has to come from within. Not sure I told you about the brownies my sister sent me as a treat two weeks ago? There were ten of them, but me and my partner decided to have one per night. I was really pleased with myself for being able to apply self control.
We had our weekly virtual quiz last night and my OH had the great idea of chopping up the celery to snack on (instead of anything potentially fattening) and it worked really well. Had G&T so zero calories and chomped on celery!
It is weigh day tomorrow and I know that the days of losing 1kg a week are over now. However, if I can lose roughly between 0.2-0.8kgs per week, I'll be really happy with that. I am just making sure that I drink my 2 litres of water per day.
I am also making my own breakfast/lunch and dinners so having nourishing meals whilst watching the calories. I have used myfitnesspal this week, which keeps me on the straight and narrow.
Thanks for posting all the calorie sheets earlier on, they were interesting to look at.
Have a lovely Sunday!
Hey Ben, glad you’re doing well and thinking of ingenious ways to enjoy life without the pitfalls. Moderation is always the hardest parts. I’ve always lost all my weight on the lowest step. When I’ve worked through the steps I’ve kept off for longer but I’m an all or nothing gal for the loss. I want to learn to be in the grey so I figured losing on higher steps is a good introduction to moderation.
You’re so close to your goal now, so good. The end always drags a little. You’ve done great though. Losses are always smaller then too which proportionally is no lower but the brain can feel used to the bigger beginning number losses I suppose. You’ve got the right attitude :) hope you enjoyed your quiz. You were the inspiration for the one I have on a Sunday as I’d never thought of it before. So ours is tonight. Tomorrow is my measurements day too! :)
If you need me to send any questions etc or websites, just let me know. Thanks for the kind words also!
Trouble is, really need to do some exercise, just never happens. Zero motivation for that!
Fab thank you!! Anything fun would be good! :) Exercise is harrrrrddddddddd. Maybe it sounds lame but try the youtube channel yoga with adrienne and do one of her 30 day challenges. Theyre soooo good!
Week 9 ends today. 28 inches off in total, 1 off this week. 25kgs off in total, 3 off this week. SO CLOSE TO BMI 29!!!! Now am 30.2.

Trying to decide what my 29 BMI reward shall be from my list... maybe the kettle and toaster, or the pan set so I can make nice health food with them. :)
Well done @FaeFaeFiFi the inch loss is incredible and 25 kgs in 9 weeks is flipping awesome too! You'll be in the 20's with your BMI in no time.

Hmm, difficult choice but investing in a good pan set has to be a good thing. They will last for years too :)