Dearest Diary,
Well, my CDC returned from holiday and after just over a week ... 5lbs off!
I'm a particularly happy bunny, as I had been out with friends over the weekend to a beer festival and I only drank water! I felt a little out of place tbh, but my wonderful friends would get me refills whenever they went for another drink ("Oh thanks but I couldn't manage another, don't want to over do it ..."
). I did have a bit of chicken, but as the alternative would've been a very greasy burger I think I did OK.
One particular challenge has arisen regarding my New Year holiday - the summer clothes sales are on about now, and I have no idea what size to get. A quick trawl of th'interweb suggested ... well, nothing actually. Everyone is different, height, shape, weight etc so guessing a clothing size is difficult. I'll just have to shop online closer to my travel date.
Aaaand my wonderful OH (he doesn't read this so I can praise him without it going to his head) has booked us a holiday next year - transatlantic cruise and 5 nights in New York - how excited am I?!
And how motivated am I to lose this weight and get some fabulous outfits for that holiday?! I am just ridiculously giddy with excitement, and there's still (just under) a year to go.
Finally, lovely diary, my CDC is now away for 2 weeks
I've got my packs for that period, I've signed up to the August Challenge for additional team motivation. My pint of water is ever-present, and I'm planning to go through my wardrobe and drawers and throw away anything that is too big - I won't need bigger clothes again.
Lessons learned:
Drinking water at a beer festival makes me feel like a bit of a numpty
Chicken, the blandest of all meats, seems like mana from heaven at the moment
I don't like working when the whole store smells of freshly baked pain au chocolat
My swimming cozzie is still a bit tight, but these developing bingo wings have got to go
Sharing the pool with hordes of crazed kiddies on summer holiday makes it difficult to complete a length of the pool