Hey Gemma :hug99:
Dont feel sad to dissapoint us sweetheart, this diary is about you, and we are here for you through the bad times as well as the good so please dont feel bad. Try not to let the scales dictate you life either, you are making positive life changes and you are eating healthily so the weight HAS to come off! Your mums right, you will be retaining water at this totm, and you can weigh a few pounds heavier so dont let that get you down, as you said, you can still notice a difference yourself!
Its my TOTM too and i cant eat ANYTHING on my plan so have had to make do with my choccie shakes LOL. And i know what you mean about being emotional, i was reading a book earlier and i ended up with tears pouring down my face,:cry: you would have thought id been told someone had died!!

Dont let those damn hormones get you down, you will be back to your normal positive self in a few days so dont feel bad.

We cant be 100% positive all the time, but just you know sweetheart, that we are here willing to listen when you feel like rambling

Im sure you will feel better tomorrow, so i will come on here to see how you are, will be thinking of you.
Love Diane xx