Oh lovely, thanks for stopping by and leaving such encouraging messages I always enjoy reading what you have written, it really spurs me on and keeps me motivated. 
Hey mummytummy, the state of your surroundings can very much reflect your mood. I always try to keep things tidy but sometimes I don't and it gets in a mess and I get annoyed and I either leave it, to get worse and get more annoyed or I do it before it gets there. If you can give your house a little tidy, if you think it needs it, then you will feel so much better, because that is something else you can control too.
I am pleased that my experiences so far are helping you along the way as well. I bet together we can help each other in our missions to lose weight and feel more confident and happier with ourselves.
Today is Wednesday 16th July 2008. This is part two of my diary today.
Well I had dinner at 5pm as usual. I had a nice bit of salad, some baby potatoes and a slice of ham, with an ice cold glass of water. It was a really nice dinner and I really enjoyed it. As a treat I had a chocolate ice cream cone, but don't worry I won't be having them too often.
I am sad to report that at about 8pm I was still really hungry, now this is one of the symptoms of my TOTM, I can get very hungry not matter how much I eat, as I mentioned before. My mum told me that I should eat something to satisfy it otherwise that would be all I thought about and wouldn't be able to go to sleep when I go to bed later. So instead of reaching for the crisps, chocolate or biscuits, I went for a healthier option of a few Krisprolls with light soft cheese and a cup of Horlicks. I couldn't handle more fruit either because the liquid, I just want to be wee all the time, lol. This did the trick and I don't have to feel too guilty because it wasn't horribly unhealthy.
Other than that I have had a nice evening watching telly with my mum.
I have brushed my teeth now and will be going to bed shortly so no more food shall be passing these lips tonight.
Once again thanks for visiting, It means a lot to me, to be able to share my feelings with you guys.
I hope my diary isn't too boring and you still keep coming back and helping me.
Thanks, take care, and have a lovely morning/day tomorrow.
Love Gemma
Hey mummytummy, the state of your surroundings can very much reflect your mood. I always try to keep things tidy but sometimes I don't and it gets in a mess and I get annoyed and I either leave it, to get worse and get more annoyed or I do it before it gets there. If you can give your house a little tidy, if you think it needs it, then you will feel so much better, because that is something else you can control too.
I am pleased that my experiences so far are helping you along the way as well. I bet together we can help each other in our missions to lose weight and feel more confident and happier with ourselves.
Today is Wednesday 16th July 2008. This is part two of my diary today.
Well I had dinner at 5pm as usual. I had a nice bit of salad, some baby potatoes and a slice of ham, with an ice cold glass of water. It was a really nice dinner and I really enjoyed it. As a treat I had a chocolate ice cream cone, but don't worry I won't be having them too often.
I am sad to report that at about 8pm I was still really hungry, now this is one of the symptoms of my TOTM, I can get very hungry not matter how much I eat, as I mentioned before. My mum told me that I should eat something to satisfy it otherwise that would be all I thought about and wouldn't be able to go to sleep when I go to bed later. So instead of reaching for the crisps, chocolate or biscuits, I went for a healthier option of a few Krisprolls with light soft cheese and a cup of Horlicks. I couldn't handle more fruit either because the liquid, I just want to be wee all the time, lol. This did the trick and I don't have to feel too guilty because it wasn't horribly unhealthy.
Other than that I have had a nice evening watching telly with my mum.
I have brushed my teeth now and will be going to bed shortly so no more food shall be passing these lips tonight.
Once again thanks for visiting, It means a lot to me, to be able to share my feelings with you guys.
Thanks, take care, and have a lovely morning/day tomorrow.
Love Gemma