Diet pepsi ?

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I'm dreading going on holiday at the end of the month. Its all inclusive - and I used to love having the smoothies for breakfast, slushies all day long and diet cokes at night. I'm going to be tough on myself this time though and stick with the water ;)
did an all inclusive 2 years ago while on l.l abstinence so only drank water and fizzy water the whole trip ooo and black coffee :0) opened my eyes , had a GREAT time with hubby and bella and for me the sole focus was time with the two i love so much . so enjoy the lovely food , sunshine and company and im sure youll be able to endulge in a couple of drinks at night xxx
Ok, on vlcds it is drummed into you not to drink alcohol and on another vlcd board someone collapsed and blue lighted to A&E due to her body not being able to accept the alcohol as she was in ketosis.

So basically a person has to weigh up the risks - as one drink can often lead to another - is it worth risking your health or not. We are all adults and if alcohol is not advised, why do some people feel so hard done by. Why risk it.

Here is the details
????havent we had this before ????

Woofy X
lol thanks for that woofie , really puts things into perspecive xxxxxxxx:D:D:D
I think there is probably a BIG difference to having 'a' drink & drinking!
I think there is probably a BIG difference to having 'a' drink & drinking!
EXACTLY hunnie , there is sooo much scare mongering around it really drives me nuts , everyone is entitled to thier own choices , we could argue that we are 'sharing education 'but just as we are aware that obesity is lifethreatening (unlike the odd glass on atkins)we do not
post numerous copies of the same post on these threads to scaremonger people !!!
lol im sorry hunnie i do go on when i sniff a certain type:eek:
anyway how very very rude of me , WELL DONE on youre first couple of days and welcome to the big k its a beautifull place to be :D
Anyhoooooooooooooo, Vodka ka ka isnt the devil drink, diet coke is. So we best have it neat then hee hee hic! hic!...... Where am I?

Woofy X
Ok, on vlcds it is drummed into you not to drink alcohol and on another vlcd board someone collapsed and blue lighted to A&E due to her body not being able to accept the alcohol as she was in ketosis.

Er, I wonder how much she/he drank? I'm not sure why it is drummed into people as I think it affects far less folks than road accidents, falls at work, etc, etc...

Alcohol in moderation, as the effects are felt more quickly and more deeply than if you have no glycogen in your system...not NO ALCOHOL COS YOU WILL DIE!

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease stop the scaremongering it is really doing my head in!
Lol woofy!

Yes its doing my head in now too. xx
My personal opinion is that the effects of drinking alcohol whilst in ketosis, is a bit like drinking on an empty stomach (even though you may have eaten plenty of other calories). So you get drunk quicker.

No idea of the danger level for that. I suppose one of the problems is that often one drink can lead to two and before you know it, you've had to many..:eek:

Lyle McDonald, who wrote the Ketogenic Diet book, and is really an expert on anything to do with diets and ketosis writes

Excessive alcohol intake while in ketosis can cause runaway acidosis to develop which is potentially very dangerous.

So I guess that some may be fine, some may be more sensitive, some may go crazy and finish the bottle before they've noticed it and end up with some very serious consequences.
I know for certain that vodka and other alcohol is really dangerous if a person is in ketosis. It can make a person seriously ill and on occasions it could be fatal. If you are in ketosis you should not take alcohol.

Er, I wonder how much she/he drank? I'm not sure why it is drummed into people as I think it affects far less folks than road accidents, falls at work, etc, etc...

Alcohol in moderation, as the effects are felt more quickly and more deeply than if you have no glycogen in your system...not NO ALCOHOL COS YOU WILL DIE!

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease stop the scaremongering it is really doing my head in!
well said nex , i was getting right uptight about it last night (hence my very childish rants:eek:) youre very adult response is much more appropriate :D
Coke zero is on offer in Sainsury at the moment @ 2 bottles for £2. I got six yesterday (ready to go with my Jack Daniels)
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