DietGirl24's WW Diary!!!

I agree u don't really want to go below BMI of 20! Sure u will look fab then :) x
Aw thanks carlylanky140 ;) Appreciate the support from you guys!

O point veg: (I'm doing the old Weight Watchers, just in case anyone is confused!!)

brussel sprouts
butternut squash
baby sweetcorn, 1point per 1tbsp tinned/frozen sweetcorn
green beans
mangetout (?)
cherry tomato

O point:
Herbal tea incl green tea
stock cubes

O point recipes:
*tomato soup
*veg soup (dont use parsnip, potato, baby sweetcorn, peas)
*Green salad (lettuce, beetroot, grated carrot, basil/flat leaf parsley, scallion/red onion/onion, peppers (red/yellow/green), tomato/cherry tomato
*roasted veg
*steamed veg
*boiled veg
*carrot and coriander soup
*tomato, red onion, cucumber and basil salad with some salt and pepper to season
*tomato and basil soup
*cabbage soup
*veg curry
*butternut squash soup (depends on ingredients!)

Types of Lettuce:
Types of Lettuce
Lettuce Varieties - Types of Lettuce Varieties

Be careful how much condiments I use:
1tbsp honey=65calories
1tbsp olive oil=100calories=3tsp
1tsp olive oil=33cals (approx!)
1 tbsp soy sauce=10 cals

Weight Loss Resources - Fad Free Tools for Healthy Weight Loss

Nibbles add up:
Make sure I point them in, should there be any!
1 biscuit=74 cals
Can of coke=139 cals
200ml orange juice=88 cals
10g butter=74cals

Types of fish:
Types of Edible Fish - General Information plus Recipes
How to buy fresh fish:
Tips on Buying Fish and Seafood -- How to Tell if a Fish is Fresh

Positive Mental Attitude/PMA
Slogans I like:

*Whether you think can or can't, you're probably right-Henry Ford
*A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step
*Keep on keeping on
*The difference between want and need is self-control
*Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels
*When you say "no thanks" to food, you say "yes please" to thin
*If I don't do it, no one else will
*Stay strong, carry on
*If it's to be, it's up to me
*Dust yourself off
*Get on with it
*Just do it
*Every little helps
*I alone shall do it


Advantages of reaching goal weight:
1. Fit into old clothes again
2. Throw out clothes that are too big
3. Feel more confident
4. Look better
5. Be able to wear more things
6. Be proud of my body
7. Feel in control
8. Be healthy weight again
9. Body working better
10. Stronger muscles
11. Stronger mental attitude
12. Sense of achievement
13. Feeling of excitement
14. Fresh start
15. Increased self-esteem
16. Look in the mirror and be happy with what I see
17. Wear a bikini and feel good in it
18. Wear shorts and feel good in them
19. Daintier feet
20. Dainty wrists again
21. Nice collarbone again
22. Increased fitness
23. Start of setting myself more challenges and being more adventurous in general
24. Increased positive attitude
25. Feel good the minute I wake up in the morning
26. More energy
27. Better sleep
28. Stronger bones
29. Less stress/better able to handle stress
30. Be able to wear the type of clothes I want


How to deal with food cravings:(to snack!)
1. Herbal tea
2. Water, water, water
3. Walk
4. Write down-journal
5. Thought form
6. Delay
7. Distract
8. Am I hungry?
9. What am I really hungry for?
10. Socialise
11. Music
12. Read
13. Fitness DVD
14. Do a chore I hate
15. Do Cost/Benefit Analysis (pros &cons)
Looks good :) x
Healthy Swaps:

My Healthy Swaps:
1. Fizzy drinks/alcohol->water/herbal tea
2. Sitting->moving (walking, aerobics)
3. Complaining->problem solve
4. Self pity->gratitude
5. Frustration->acceptance
6. Not taking enough care of my appearance->grooming (weekly manicure, pedicure, blackhead strips once a week, 3 litres of water a day, moisturising with Johnsons baby oil, moisturising with cream for very dry body parts. whitening my teeh.
7. Snacking->no snacks in between meals
8. Get up late->get up early in morning
9. takeaways->cooking everything from scratch
10. Giving out to myself if I make a mistake->problem solve and giving myself a break!
11. Diet mindset->healthy mindset


*Behaviour Therapy (BT)
->Behaviour Activation



CBT pdf
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-Behaviour Activation-fun activites, weekly schedule
-ABC's-Activating Event, Behaviour, Consequence
-DEF's-Detective Work and Disputation, End Work, Follow Through
-Keep a Thoughts Diary, check out recurring thoughts-core beliefs.
-Core Beliefs-by trying things out. Hot thought/Prediction/what actually happened/Balanced Core Belief. Carry around balanced core belief index cards around with me. Re-read manual regularly.
-Life Areas, set goals
-Slip-ups/bad days are normal. Keep going-get social support
1. Manage my thoughts -Thought Records, Reframing, Know the 10 thinking errors. Watch my language-use positive words only.. Write down reasons for wanting to lose weight, consequences for binging/overeating. One positive thought for the day. Read thought for the day.
2. Manage my feelings-is this emotional hunger. 100% abstinence, figure out triggers. Be AWARE of them and PLAN AHEAD for t

1)Eat well, 2)exercise, 3)plan, 4)thoughts, 5)feelings, 6)ignore outside influences/take care of no1, 7) surroundings

*Okay this week the habits I'm working on are:
1. Exercise
2. Make wise food choices
3. Manage your thoughts-thought records
4. Manage your feelings-100% abstinence. "Phantom hunger"
5. Take care of yourself-ignore outside influences

*These are the most important five habits for me to work on. I am good at the other habits already.

If I am totally stuck then 3 W’s-water, write down and walk.
Hi thanks babypat:) How are you getting on yourself?:)


*Manage My Feelings:
-problem/brainstorm/pros and cons/choose one/do it
-serenity prayer/just for today
-worry will make me look old before my time
-worry will give me wrinkles!
-worry makes me miserable and I don't want to be miserable
-worry could give me something like cancer or a heart attack when I'm older-could result in early death so stop it now

*as long as I have food, water and roof over my head, I've no reason to complain

*occupational therapy idea- get busy
Your mind can concentrate on one thing at a time.
Take advantage of that!:)

Habit Audit:

What I've done:
Manage Stress/Anxiety
-Thought Records-do *twice* a day though!
-Mindfulness exercise-twice a day

New Habits
Learn New Skills
-I am putting things off until after I lose the excess weight which is silly, I know. So enough of that!

Do more exercise
Do different forms

Be more disciplined-
How: Be more organised
-do a weekly plan for all my activities
-wake up at same time each day (7am)-reduce by 15 minutes each week until I end up getting up somewhat naturally at 5am each day.
-learn as many new skills as I can
-be *consistent* habits EVERY DAY. Skipping days is not acceptable!

Slogans I like:
*Self respect is the fruit of discipline
*Discipline is liberation
* The successful person has the habit of doing the things failures don't like to do. They don't like doing them either necessarily. But their disliking is subordinated to the strength of their purpose.
E.M. Gray
* It is one of the strange ironies of this strange life that those who work the hardest, who subject themselves to the strictest discipline, who give up certain pleasurable things in order to achieve a goal, are the happiest men. When you see 20 or 30 men line up for a distance race in some meet, don't pity them, don't feel sorry for them. Better envy them instead.
Brutus Hamilton
* It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.
* What it lies in our power to do, it lies in our power not do.
* Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees or the stars; you have a right to be here.
From Disiderata
* Nothing of importance is ever achieved without discipline. I feel myself sometimes not wholly in sympathy with some modern educational theorists, because I think that they underestimate the part that discipline plays. But the discipline you have in your life should be one determined by your own desires and your own needs, not put upon you by society or authority.
Bertrand Russell
*Discipline is remembering what you want.
David Campbell


Discipline is more important than motivation.
There will be days that I don't feel like doing it (ie not motivated) but I will be *disciplined enough* just do it anyway regardless.

Therefore, logically, discipline > motivation.

Consistent action=discipline

Rewards of Self-Discipline:
1. Self-respect
2. Self-confidence
3. Feel good
4. Success in everything you do because you persevere no matter what
5. Self-esteem
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How do you enter your height? I put in 5' 2'' but it keeps saying I'm doing it wrong!! Wtf!

Okay I finally did it! I posted my weight details!! I was so nervous doing it. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to lose the weight but I'm doing it! I finally believe in my ability to lose weight now.

I weighed myself last month and I was 12st2. Now I'm 11st1 one month later. I had gotten way too obsessed with the weighing scales before, weighing myself in every day and then getting annoyed I wasn't losing weight quickly enough.

Habits that I have done well so far:

1. Eat more fish
Okay, so far I have had tuna (lots of it lol), salmon, bass, plaice. I never tasted plaice and bass before. The fish is really filling. I've been getting a lot of fresh fish, then baking in the oven with lemon juice and herbs and omg it is delicious, literally melt in your mouth mmm
It's great to see that I do like really healthy food too :)

2. Eat more green vegetables
I've been trying to eat spinach instead of lettuce because it has more fibre and iron. Also eating a lot of cabbage, at dinner. It is really filling. I have had some broccoli too. Oh, I use green peppers and celery in most of my salads too.

Green veg to try: brussel sprouts (I hate them but I will learn to like them!), green beans, asparagus.

I like courgette, mangetout anyway.

3. Eat natural food
I have stopped eating processed ham because it has a preservative sodium phosphate in it that has been linked with cancer! I have been getting chicken from local butcher instead of supermarket, it is a bit more expensive but I can divide the breast into three pieces and have at three meals so it ends up working out the same. It doesn't even taste the same, the Tesco chicken is really rubbery/no flavour and I need a whole Tesco chicken breast to fill me up whereas I need a lot less of the fresh stuff to fill me up.

Noticeable Benefits
1. My nails are stronger now (they were brittle before because I drank too much diet coke and because I bit them!) My nails are also growing really fast. I only filed them last week and they've grown again lol-good complaint to have I know :)
2. My hair looks glossier, brighter
3. Skin has a nice glow of it. I've gotten a lot of compliments on my skin recently :) Yes, thank you water! If I do get spots/blemishes now, they are very minor
4. Sleeping better now

Areas to Improve:
1. Manage My Thoughts
My mind is still racing with thoughts all the time, namely the *same* self-critical thoughts. I think I'm not losing weight quickly enough. I lost one stone in two months so 7lbs each month. That is a "healthy" amount I know but I want to lose one stone each month. I will be able to once I bump up my exercise. I definitely want to be out of my fat clothes for once and for all!!! I think I could cut down on my food a bit more, maybe take away the almonds and fruit at breakfast, make my porridge with water instead of the skimmed milk but I think that could leave me feeling too deprived and thus trigger a binge.

Keep busy-always be doing something

2. Manage My Feelings
I still don't know how to do this. I feel pissed off really. I feel angry with myself that I put weight on again. Frustrated that I have to lose it, that my previous work was totally undone, embarassed that I had to start at square one. I feel inadequate because I like fashion and I like model's figures and mine is nowhere near that *yet*. Don't mean to rant but I need to get my feelings down *somewhere*, I have to put on a happy face every single day and that gets grating after a while.

Yet is the important word here. I will look like them!

Exercise will help with this-boost endorphins in body

3. Exercise
I really haven't been good with this, only doing light exercise so far.
Going to do intensive exercise from now on.
Goal setting will get me to goal weight quicker.

Weight Loss Goals:
Target Weight:6st12/96lbs.
Maybe 91lbs? Will see once I get there..So 96lbs for now.

Desired weight loss per week: 3.5lbs (14lbs in one month)
(Avg: 1-2lbs/week, 5-7lbs a month)

Goal Time:February
Okay, this will be a challenge but I know I can do it!!!

(Ideal Goal Time: December
GT3:April-that is final deadline!)

Food Goals:
1. Eat pinhead oatmeal instead of rolled/instant oats
2. No salt with my meals
3. 4g of sugar or less in everything I eat. 4g=1tsp
4. More hot vegetables for my dinners
-green beans and baby carrots
-frozen mixed veg, add tomato. Do the veg medley thing you saw
-baby broccoli and baby carrots
5. Fish-try out sardines and mackerel next
6. Drink cup of green tea with each meal
7. Increase water to 4litres per day

Exercise Goals:
1. Run a mini-marathon next year in one hour!
*Lose weight-aerobics, walking/jogging
*Then do the 13 week training plan for the mini-marathon

Immediate Exercise Goals
1. Master Davina My 3 30 min workouts and Power of 3 Exercise DVDs.

How long will it take me?
Review in 6 weeks.
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Goal weight seems very low darling?! Xx
Weight Watchers recommends a BMI 20-24 but this is probably for legal reasons. If Weight Watchers recommended a BMI 18.5-24, then if one of their members took the diet too far and became anorexic etc, then Weight Watchers could potentially be sued for negligence as they have a standard of care to its members. I'm not 100% sure on this so don't quote me on that lol but I think it's a good educated guess.

Some people do have a tendency to overdo the diet-I've heard of someone who was overweight, then lost the weight but is really underweight now. They're always getting sick, have nutritional deficiencies me, it's not something I'd want! The 96/98lbs is still within a healthy BMI for my height :)
That's ok then :D just checking xx
thanks hun-appreciate the concern :) ooh i had a wee look at your weight loss stats so far, you're doing very well :)

*Manage My Thoughts
Thinking errors:
1. Victim thinking

Learn from Experience- one of Weight Watchers' Ten Winning Habits

This is my example-I love it if I say so myself!!! :)
"A setback is a setup for a comeback"
Good example of bouncing back from adversity is Tiger Woods. Ok, he admittedly brought it on himself but still, the global *humiliation* must have a real kick in the teeth for him and a total blow to his ego. He looked like a man defeated there for a while-he had problems with his knee and achilles heel there too so that put him out of action and now he's only ranked no 28 when he was always no 1 before.

But! This is a big but! He was back on the golf pitch today looking all buff, and dare I say it, hot! Yes I did say hot. He looked like he had spent a LOT of time in the gym, wearing nice purple Nike tshirt that went well with his dark skin tone, new shoes and a beard, as if to symbolise a new start. He also had something of his old swagger back. He probably isn't the nicest person ever but he is a superb golfer so I don't see why he shouldn't be allowed golf, that's his job after all. It's business not personal. The crowd response to him was muted apparently but his attitude was very much "f the lot of you, I'm going to win with or without your support" and I like that attitude. It's not a popularity contest, golf is his life at this stage and everyone deserves to live their life. I also think he was a bit of a scapegoat as I read that cheating in the golf scene is rife so it's easy to say "Oh look at him" rather than point the finger at every single golfer there.

Tiger probably said to himself "I can either give up and die or fight back and persist". He chose the latter option. Public opinion is against him, he knows that himself but he has to fight back. He doesn't have any other option. It was embarassing for him, most people would feel like being swallowed up by the ground in a situation like that so to come back at all is an amazing show of determination and willpower. He lost control of his life for a while therebut he is taking power and control of his life back, regardless of what his haters say. And I like that attitude, even though I don't actually like Tiger himself! lol!
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Thanks hun :) x
Waist: 44'' (was 46'')
Hips: 44''
Thighs: 22.5''
Arms: 13''

I measured them on Sunday but forgot to write them in!
My weighing scales is broke so need to get a new one asap!
I took my measurements instead-will take measurements as well as actual weight from now on!
Good idea :) x
why ty:p

look what I found on tumblr!!

That's Jillian Michaels, before she lost weight and afterwards!! :)
Definite motivation for me, she is so toned now!!!


How to deal with diet saboteurs:
Diet Saboteur Information from OnHealth


French Diet
Beck thinks that it is how the French eat that makes the difference.
“They eat small portions, they eat three meals a day, they don’t snack, they don’t skip meals, they don’t rush off to dessert before they finish their vegetables and lean protein,” she explained. “And they enjoy their foods and they eat smaller amounts…and they eat slowly.”

Asian Diet
The diet is also high in vegetables, Beck said. If you look at some of the vegetables they eat, they are full of compounds called cruciferous chemicals. “Soy is the main legume in their diet, soy is the protein, they use plant-based beverages every day; (they drink) green tea, saki, even beer,” she noted. “It’s really a low-fat diet that’s almost vegetarian. Animal protein foods are used very minimally.”

Filling foods: mushrooms (in place of meat), eggs, apple, oatmeal, soup, almonds, hot chilli peppers.

Boost metabolism: turkey (try turkey slices), green tea, grapefruit, yoghurt, almonds, apples, spinach, broccoli, cinnamon, curry powder.


Motivation 101

Slogans I like:
Success is the best revenge
**** the haters
Forget the past and love yourself
Keep calm and workout
Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it
Learn to love the burn
Don't reward yourself with food-you're not a dog
Don't treat your body like a rubbish bin
Stop waiting for things to happen and go out and make them happen
The body is a temple

Practice PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) every day!!

Workout No 1
10 push up, 10 jumping jack
9 push up, 9 jumping jack
8 push up, 8 jumping jack
7 push up, 7 jumping jack
6 push up 6 jumping jack
5 push up 5 jumping jack
4 push up 4 jumping jack
3 push up 3 jumping jack
2 push up 2 jumping jack
1 push up 1 jumping jack
Repeat if you want
*do this after the jumping jack challenge


Workouts no 2 and 3

Do Pilates: longer leaner body
Do Yoga: for stress, sleep

To push through a plateau:
*Take it day-by-day with small goals-do my workout, eat healthy, do food tracker, write out food planner for the next day
*Group fitness classes for motivation-other people who want to get in shape too
*Trust the process-it does work