CBT Applied!! lol I knew it would come in handy!!
Thinking errors
1. magnification/blowing it out of proportion/catastrophising
definitely a case of making a mountain out of a molehill. It's only one meal. Even if the food is bland, it won't kill me and I will have enough to satisfy my appetite as restaurants always give you too big of portions! Making out that my weight is the most important thing in my life when it's not.
2. Mental filter/discounting the positives
Focusing on the food instead of saying "well I'm in great company", "I'm in a lovely restaurant", "I'm having such good conversation". Instead of focusing on positive aspects of my life
3. Blaming/"awfulising"
Well yeah..blaming the world for not being able to eat what I want, saying how "unfair" it is
4. Overgeneralisation
Saying "everyone else can eat what they like but me" when that clearly isn't true. Everyone I know is not naturally thin, they have to work at it in some form or other, whether that's through portion control or exercise. It definitely isn't "natural" per se.
5. All-or-nothing Thinking
The whole starve or binge thing..instead of eating balanced meals. Obsessing about my weight, meals, food/certain types of food instead of focusing on small goals at a time.
6. Should Statements
"I should be a size 6", "I shouldn't eat this" which makes me more likely to rebel
7. Jumping to conclusions
Fortune telling
"I'll feel better after I eat this"
Mind reading
"Other people will think I'm so fat when they see me overeating, when they see I've gained weight", "other people are trying to sabotage my weight loss progress"
8. Emotional reasoning
I feel awful therefore I am awful
9. Labelling
I'm so fat etc.
Cost Benefit Analysis
Advantages of Yo-Yo Dieting
1. I get to feel somehow superior to other people when I'm starving myself-"oh look at my willpower" etc
2. I get to feel powerful when I'm starving myself
3. I get to feel sorry for myself when it inevitably doesn't work so there is a payoff there too
4. Temporary high when I do lose weight-quick results
Disadvantages of Yo-Yo Dieting
1. Reduced flexibility
2. Reduced fitness level
3. PMS, period pain when I'm overweight
4. Backache, bloated stomach after overeating
5. Irritability, mood swings
6. Increased likelihood of depression
7. Stiffness
8. Fatigue, lethargy
9. Cessation of periods when I don't eat enough
10. Obsession with food and dieting
11. Other areas in my life aren't deal with, it's just about food etc. Or if they are dealt with, it's in a very half-hearted attempt
12. Isolating myself when I am overweight
13. worrying about my weight
14. Self-flagellation approach-feelings of guilt, shame, embarassment, inadequacy after I overeat.
15. Comparing myself negatively to models in magazines and feeling worse afterwards
16. No balance, up and down all the time
17. Having clothes that don't fit me-either too big or too small
18. Not feeling comfortable in my own skin
19. The quick results don't last as I tend to just go back to binging again. The temporary high is soon replaced with a low so it's not worth it.
20. Not being able to fit into type of clothes I want to wear when I'm overweight
-Evaluation 19 disadvantages, 4 advantages.
Okay that clearly indicates that binging and restricting my food, obsessing about my weight, yo yo dieting etc is NOT worth it.
Here are the thinking errors from "The Feeling Good Handbook", in case anyone is interested!
Cognitive Distortions
This is a more detailed summary: